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Statistical Physics

The Physics Department of Xiamen University has organized teams to study statistical physics and thermodynamics since the beginning of the Reform and Opening up Period. Gradually several domestic first-class and internationally influential statistical physics and complex systems subject groups were established. The research area covers modern thermodynamics, complex systems, life systems, Research fields such as quantum statistics. The current role of the Xiamen University statistical physics team is not only indispensable in China, but has also become an important force in promoting the development of this discipline in China. Our team have distinct research characteristics and a certain degree of international influence in low-dimensional lattice near-equilibrium transport theory, non-equilibrium thermodynamics, immune dynamics, and soft condensed matter system dynamics and regulation.

Research group of modern thermodynamics and statistical physics

Introduction: The main research fields include non-equilibrium thermodynamics, finite time thermodynamics, quantum thermodynamics, non-extensive statistics, solar cells, thermoelectric devices, magnetic refrigeration cycles, fuel cells, etc. The research team has presided over 20 projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National Key Basic Research Program 973, Key Project of Science and Technology Research of the Ministry of Education. So far, over 400 papers have been published in international journals. More than 20 doctoral students and 30 master students have graduated from the research group.

Main Member: CHEN Jincan, LIN Guoxing, SU Guozhen, SU Shanhe

Research Institute for Biomimetics and Soft Matter

Introduction: The research activities of the Institute cover biomimetic and soft materials, mainly focusing on the mesoscopic structure of soft materials, functional materials and flexible electronics and devices. In combination with the theoretical computation/simulation methodologies, numerous soft functional materials and bioinspired materials, in particular, the mesoscopic/interfacial structure of silk fibrin materials, the selfassembly of colloid particles, and biomimicking of king of artificial enzymes have been examined extensively and intensively.

Main Member: WU Chenxu, CAO Xuezheng

Biological Computing Group

Introduction: We are interested in Calcium signal; Immune dynamics; Neural networks; Cancer dynamics; Protein molecular dynamics,et al.

Main Member: SHUAI Jianwei

Complex System Group

Introduction: Our group focuses on the fundamental problems of non-equilibrium statistical physics. The main topics include: diffusion and transport of low-dimensional systems; Relaxation to equilibrium in low-dimensional systems; artificial neural networks and quantum and classical chaos behavior.

Main Member: ZHAO Hong; WANG Jiao; ZHANG Yong; HE Dahai; CAO Xiufeng