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Optical direction focuses on exploring novel physical properties and prototype devices of light-matter interactions at multiple spatial and temporal scales, and developing basic research on optical microcavities and metamaterials to control and enhance light-matter interactions and to manipulate the properties of the bending space light field. Wecommit to understanding the complex light-matter interactions from microscopic (10-9m) to macroscopic (10m) scales, from continuous to ultrafast (10-18s) time scales, from classical to quantum physics, and exploring the structure of Maxwell's and Schrodinger equations in different systems.

Research fields include: the light-matter interaction in semiconductor microcavities and quantum chaos in solid environments; the far- and near-field characteristics after the interaction of metal nanostructures with light; the optical fieldcontrol of photon orbital angular momentum, nonlinear optics and quantum optics; the ultrafast optical technology with two-dimensional material; physical effects in two-dimensional material-microcavity exciton polariton; atomic and molecular interaction physics in femtosecond strong laser field and ultrafast control.

Micro and Nano Photonics Research Group

Introduction: We have experimentally and theoretically studied the plasma-induced mesoscopic phenomena in metal micro/nanostructures and their interaction with nanomaterials, thereby developing ultra-compact photonic devices and new light-emitting devices for integrated optical systems.

Main members: Sun Zhijun, Li Aihua, Wang Jiayuan

Optical holography, micro-nano optics, optical imaging and display technology

Introduction: Our research focuses on the design and experimental manufacturing of some passive optical devices, such as dual-band demultiplexers based on gratings; optical systems based on compact matching holographic sights, a new type of shielding holographic sights; holographic optical tweezers System and so on. Some holographic lithography methods for manufacturing large-scale photonic phased arrays and multi-optical tweezers are proposed.

Main member: Ren Xuechang

Quantum Optics Laboratory

Introduction: Our research interests include structured light, nonlinear optics, quantum information, especially the spin and orbital angular momentum (OAM) of photons and their quantum aspects. The goal of our laboratory is to establish theoretical and experimental toolboxes for generating, manipulating and measuring the quantum entanglement of twisted photons, and their promising applications in high-dimensional new quantum information protocols, such as quantum-based ghost images, quantum Remote sensing, optical communication and quantum computing based on OAM.

Main members: Chen Lixiang, Zhang Wuhong, Chen Yuanyuan

Nanophotonics Research Group

Introduction: Nanophotonics focuses on the interaction of photons with nanostructures, such as nanometal particles, nanocrystals, semiconductor nanodots, carbon nanotubes, photonic crystals, tissues and DNA. We pursue the basic research of coupled plasma system and the application of plasma in surface enhanced spectroscopy, sensing and photocatalysis.

Main members: Yang Zhilin