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Condensed Matter Physics
A comprehensive study of the correlation between microscopic structures (e.g., atomic, chemical and electronic) and macroscopic properties (e.g., mechanical, thermal, optical, electrical, and magnetic) of low-dimensional materials using the first-principles calculations as well as advanced synthesis and characterization techniques not only reveals exciting physical phenomena, which originate from strong coupling of charge, spin, orbit, and lattice, due to breaking symmetries, but also offers promote applications of these materials in optoelectronics, renewable energy, thermal management, etc. The materials studied in this direction range from zero-dimensional nanoclusters, one-dimensional nanowire, to two-dimensional layer structure, such as graphene, transitional metal dichalcogenides, ferromagnetic, photonic crystals. Through fruitful collaborations with graphene- and semiconductor-related enterprises, a revenue of 0.4 billion was generated in the past five years.
Graphene Research Group
Introduction: The graphene group continues to focus on preparation of graphene and 2D materials also on graphene’s qualities. The graphene group has also made progress in removing bottle necks in graphene super capacitors, graphene transistors, graphene sensors,which finally allows a more wide spread use of graphene and related materials for novel device application.
Main Member: CAI Weiwei, ZHANG Xueao, ZHOU Yinghui, ZHANG Yufeng
Low-dimensional structural magnetics and related device physics Research Group
Introduction: We are interested in High-speed transportation and magnetization dynamics of spin waves and magnetic domain walls,Ultrafast dynamics in magnetic vortex and skyrmion,Spin Hall effect of magnetic nanostructure,Spintronic Physics and Devices.
Main Member: WANG Ruifang, DONG Xinwei
Nano Energy Research Group
Introduction: We are interested in energy materials, high performance computing, artificial intelligence, data science, et al.
Main Member: ZHENG Jincheng, WANG Huiqiong, Lü Tieyu
Computational Condensed Matter Physics Group
Introduction: Computational Condensed Matter Physics (CCMP) Group primarily focuses on the study areas of condensed matter physics and computational materials science, which covers a wide range of condensed matter systems include nanomaterial systems (such as zero-dimensional nanoclusters, one-dimensional nanowires, two-dimensional nanosheets), surface/interface systems and complex functional material systems (such as electrodes materials of lithium/sodium-ion batteries, semiconductor materials, magnetic materials, etc.). We study and predict the structural, electronic, mechanical, thermal, optics and magnetic properties of advance materials and other indispensable properties such as the effects of pressure and temperature, and kinetic evolution process using first-principles calculations, ab initio molecular dynamics, and classical molecular dynamics methods.
Main Member: ZHU Zizhong, WU Shunqing, WEN Yuhua, HUANG Rao, CAO Xinrui
Functional Nanomaterials
Introduction: Our recent research has been focused on the instabilities of the zero-dimensional, one-dimensional and two-dimensional nanostructured materials, and the applications of the above study results in the property improvement of nanomaterials, device fabrication, the novel synthesis approach of new nanomaterials, and so on. In addition, our research activities also include the controlled sythesis, fundamental understanding and property characterization of the low dimentional nanostructured materials, and their applications in nano-photonic crystal, nano-optoelectronics materials, chemical and bio-sensing nanomaterials.
Main Member: ZHU Xianfang
Micro/Nano-Photonics Research Group
Introduction: We investigate, both experimentally and theoretically, plasmon-induced mesoscopic optical phenomena in metallic micro/nano-structures and their interactions with nanomaterials, so as to develop ultra-compact photonic devices and novel light emitting devices for integrated optical systems.
Main Member: SUN Zhijun, LI Aihua, WANG Jiayuan
Optical Holography, Micro- & Nano- Optics,Optical imaging and displaying technology
Introduction: Our research is focused on the design and experimental fabrication of some passive optical devices, like grating based dual-band demultiplexers; based on the optical system of compact matching holographic sight, a novel shelter holographic sight; holographic optical tweezers system, and so on. Some holographic lithography methods for fabricating large-scale photonic phased array and multiple optical tweezers are presented.
Main Member: REN Xuechang
Quantum Optics Lab
Introduction: Our research interest ranges from structured light, nonlinear optics, to quantum information, in particular, spin and orbital angular momentum (OAM) of photons and their quantum aspects. The aim of our lab is to build both the theoretical and experimental toolbox for generation, manipulation and measurement of quantum entanglement with twisted photons, and their promising applications in new quantum information protocols of high dimensions, such as quantum-based ghost imaging, quantum remote sensing, OAM-based optical communications and quantum computation.
Main Member: CHEN Lixiang, ZHANG Wuhong
Nanophotonics Research Group
Introduction: Nanophotonics focuses on the interaction of photons with nano-structures, such as nano metal particles, nano crystals, semiconductor nano dots, carbon nano-tubes, photonic crystals, tissue and DNA. We pursue fundamental studies of coupled plasmonic systems as well as applications of plasmonics in surface enhanced spectroscopy, sensing and photocatalysis.
Main Member: YANG Zhilin