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物理楼 445



1. Dipole-like and quadrupole-like reflection modes for Ag nanocube arrays on dielectric substrates. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys, 55, 375102, 2022
2. Simplified numerical modeling for Fano interference-induced asymmetric light reflectance effect using equivalent medium theory. Opt. Express, 30, 22700-22711, 2022.
3. Role of Strain-Induced Microscale Compositional Pulling on Optical Properties of High Al Content AlGaN Quantum Wells for Deep-Ultraviolet LED. Nanoscale Res Lett, 17, 13, 2022.
4. Deducing localized surface plasmon properties through analysis of the far-field optical spectra. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 55, 015108, 2022.
5. Ga2O3/GaN Heterostructural Ultraviolet Photodetectors with Exciton-Dominated Ultranarrow Response, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater., 4, 1, 188–196, 2022.
6. Enhancing deep-UV emission at 234 nm by introducing a truncated pyramid AlN/GaN nanostructure with fine-tuned multiple facets, Nanoscale, 14, 653-662, 2022.
7. Electrode-Dependent Electrical Properties of Detection-Band Tunable Ultraviolet Photodetectors Based on Ga2O3/GaN Heterostructures, physica status solidi (a), 218, 15, 2100166, 2021.
8. Designs of InGaN Micro-LED Structure for Improving Quantum Efficiency at Low Current Density, Nanoscale Res Lett, 16, 99, 2021.
9. Strain engineering of digitally alloyed AlN/GaN nanorods for far-UVC emission as short as 220 nm, Opt. Mater. Express, 11, 1282-1291, 2021.
10. Localized surface plasmon enhanced Ga2O3 solar blind photodetectors, Opt. Express, 28, 5731-5740, 2020.
11. Optical Performance of Top-Down Fabricated AlGaN Nanorod Arrays with Multi-Quantum Wells Embedded, Nanoscale Res Lett, 14, 170, 2019.
12. Peak splitting and locking behavior arising from Fano interference between localized surface plasmons and cavity modes. Physical Review B, 99, 125420, 2019
13. Integral Monolayer-Scale Featured Digital-Alloyed AlN/GaN Superlattices Using Hierarchical Growth Units. Crystal Growth & Design, 19, 1720-1727, 2019
14. Quantum state engineering with ultra-short-period (AlN)m/(GaN)n superlattices for narrowband deep-ultraviolet detection. Nanoscale, 6: 14733-14739,2014
15. Top- and bottom-emission-enhanced electroluminescence of deep-UV light-emitting diodes induced by localised surface plasmons.Scientific Reports, 4: 4380 2014
16. Surface-plasmon-enhanced deep-UV light emitting diodes based on AlGaN multi-quantum wells.Scientific Reports, 2: 816 2012

姓名 黄凯 职称职务 教授、博士生导师
邮箱 k_huang@xmu.edu.cn 办公室 物理楼 445
电话 个人主页
其他信息 研究方向岗位职责 Micro-LED、紫外光电探测器
教育和工作经历 2021-至今,嘉庚创新实验室未来显示技术研究院副院长
代表性文章或专著 1. Dipole-like and quadrupole-like reflection modes for Ag nanocube arrays on dielectric substrates. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys, 55, 375102, 2022
2. Simplified numerical modeling for Fano interference-induced asymmetric light reflectance effect using equivalent medium theory. Opt. Express, 30, 22700-22711, 2022.
3. Role of Strain-Induced Microscale Compositional Pulling on Optical Properties of High Al Content AlGaN Quantum Wells for Deep-Ultraviolet LED. Nanoscale Res Lett, 17, 13, 2022.
4. Deducing localized surface plasmon properties through analysis of the far-field optical spectra. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 55, 015108, 2022.
5. Ga2O3/GaN Heterostructural Ultraviolet Photodetectors with Exciton-Dominated Ultranarrow Response, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater., 4, 1, 188–196, 2022.
6. Enhancing deep-UV emission at 234 nm by introducing a truncated pyramid AlN/GaN nanostructure with fine-tuned multiple facets, Nanoscale, 14, 653-662, 2022.
7. Electrode-Dependent Electrical Properties of Detection-Band Tunable Ultraviolet Photodetectors Based on Ga2O3/GaN Heterostructures, physica status solidi (a), 218, 15, 2100166, 2021.
8. Designs of InGaN Micro-LED Structure for Improving Quantum Efficiency at Low Current Density, Nanoscale Res Lett, 16, 99, 2021.
9. Strain engineering of digitally alloyed AlN/GaN nanorods for far-UVC emission as short as 220 nm, Opt. Mater. Express, 11, 1282-1291, 2021.
10. Localized surface plasmon enhanced Ga2O3 solar blind photodetectors, Opt. Express, 28, 5731-5740, 2020.
11. Optical Performance of Top-Down Fabricated AlGaN Nanorod Arrays with Multi-Quantum Wells Embedded, Nanoscale Res Lett, 14, 170, 2019.
12. Peak splitting and locking behavior arising from Fano interference between localized surface plasmons and cavity modes. Physical Review B, 99, 125420, 2019
13. Integral Monolayer-Scale Featured Digital-Alloyed AlN/GaN Superlattices Using Hierarchical Growth Units. Crystal Growth & Design, 19, 1720-1727, 2019
14. Quantum state engineering with ultra-short-period (AlN)m/(GaN)n superlattices for narrowband deep-ultraviolet detection. Nanoscale, 6: 14733-14739,2014
15. Top- and bottom-emission-enhanced electroluminescence of deep-UV light-emitting diodes induced by localised surface plasmons.Scientific Reports, 4: 4380 2014
16. Surface-plasmon-enhanced deep-UV light emitting diodes based on AlGaN multi-quantum wells.Scientific Reports, 2: 816 2012
科研基金及项目 主持和参与国家重点研发计划、自然科学基金等项目近10项,个人经费2500余万元。 任教课程 大学物理

招生方向 微电子与固体电子学、凝聚态物理等 荣誉奖励