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2016年7月-2017年7月: 美国布鲁海文国家实验室访问科学家
2009年6-8月:美国康奈尔大学访问教授(主持获Jeffery Sean Lehman Fund资助)
2006年3月-2008年8月: 美国布鲁海文国家实验室助理科学家
1. Ruoqian Lin, Enyuan Hu, Mingjie Liu, Yi Wang, Hao Cheng, Jinpeng Wu, Jin-Cheng Zheng, Qin Wu, Seongmin Bak, Xiao Tong, Rui Zhang, Wanli Yang, Kristin A. Persson, Xiqian Yu, Xiao-Qing Yang, Huolin L. Xin Anomalous metal segregation observed in lithium-rich layered oxide provides theoretical concept and practical design rule for stable cathode in lithium-ion battery Nature Communications, 10, 1650 (2019).
2. Hua Zhou, Lijun Wu, Hui-Qiong Wang*, Jin-Cheng Zheng*, Lihua Zhang, Kim Kisslinger, Yaping Li, Zhiqiang Wang, Hao Cheng, Shanming Ke, Yu Li, Junyong Kang & Yimei Zhu* Interfaces between hexagonal and cubic oxides and their structure alternatives Nature Communications 8, 1474 (2017)
3. Jin-Cheng Zheng,Liang Zhang,Andrey V Kretinin,S Morozov,Yi Bo Wang,Tun Wang,Xiaojun Li,Fei Ren,Jingyu Zhang,Ching-Yu Lu,Jia-Cing Chen,Miao Lu,Hui-Qiong Wang,Andre Geim,Konstantin Novoselov, High thermal conductivity of hexagonal boron nitride laminates, 2D Materials 3, 011004 (2016)
4. Ning Wei, Lanqing Xu, Hui-Qiong Wang and Jin-Cheng Zheng*, Strain engineering of thermal conductivity in graphene sheets and nanoribbons: a demonstration of magic flexibility Nanotechnology 22, 105705 (2011)
5. Jin-Cheng Zheng, A. I. Frenkel, L. Wu, J. Hanson, W. Ku, E. S. Bozin, S. J. L. Billinge, and Yimei Zhu, Nanoscale disorder and local electronic properties of CaCu3Ti4O12: An integrated study of electron, neutron, and x-ray diffraction, x-ray absorption fine structure, and first-principles calculations Physical Review B, 81, 144203 (2010).
6. Jin-Cheng Zheng, Lijun Wu, Yimei Zhu, Aspherical electron scattering factors and their parameterizations for elements from H to Xe Journal of Applied Crystallography, 42, 1043 (2009)
7. Jin-Cheng Zheng, and Yimei Zhu, Searching for higher superconducting transition temperature in strained MgB2 using first principles calculations Physical Review B 73, 024509 (2006).
8. Jin-Cheng Zheng, Superhard hexagonal transition metal and its carbide and nitride: Os, OsC and OsN Physical Review B 72, 052105 (2005).
9. Jin-Cheng Zheng, C. H. A. Huan, A. T. S. Wee, M. A. Van Hove, C. S. Fadley, F. J. Shi, E. Rotenberg, S. R. Barman, J. J. Paggel, K. Horn, Ph. Ebert and K. Urban, Atomic Scale Structure of the 5-fold Surface of a AlPdMn Quasicrystal: a Quantitative X-Ray Photoelectron Diffraction Analysis Physical Review B 69, 134107 (2004).
10. J. C. Zheng, M. C. Payne, Y. P. Feng, A. T. L. Lim, Stability and electronic properties of carbon phosphide compounds with (1:1) stoichiometry Physical Review B 67, 153105 (2003).
Full List of Publications
(1). 国家自然科学基金国际合作重点项目,“多相复杂材料的相场模型,算法和模拟”,166万,2017-2019(参与)
(2). 国家自然科学基金委员会-广东省政府联合基金,超级计算科学应用研究专项资助(天河二号超级计算中心),20万机时,2016-2018 (主持)
(3). 国家自然科学基金联合基金项目,“钙钛矿型钴氧化物应变超薄膜的局域结构和自旋-轨道秩序的掠入射荧光XAFS研究”,60万,2013-2015(主持)
(4). 科技部863项目子课题,“长寿命锰酸锂系储能电池关键技术及示范”,20万,2013-2015(子课题负责人)
(5). 教育部博士点基金博导类,“新型热电复合氧化物的同步辐射研究”,12万,2013-2015(主持)
姓名 郑金成 职称职务 教授
邮箱 jczheng@xmu.edu.cn 办公室
电话 个人主页
其他信息 研究方向岗位职责 纳米能源材料,高性能计算与数据科学
教育和工作经历 2008年9月-至今:厦门大学物理系闽江学者特聘教授
2016年7月-2017年7月: 美国布鲁海文国家实验室访问科学家
2009年6-8月:美国康奈尔大学访问教授(主持获Jeffery Sean Lehman Fund资助)
2006年3月-2008年8月: 美国布鲁海文国家实验室助理科学家
代表性文章或专著 1. Ruoqian Lin, Enyuan Hu, Mingjie Liu, Yi Wang, Hao Cheng, Jinpeng Wu, Jin-Cheng Zheng, Qin Wu, Seongmin Bak, Xiao Tong, Rui Zhang, Wanli Yang, Kristin A. Persson, Xiqian Yu, Xiao-Qing Yang, Huolin L. Xin Anomalous metal segregation observed in lithium-rich layered oxide provides theoretical concept and practical design rule for stable cathode in lithium-ion battery Nature Communications, 10, 1650 (2019).
2. Hua Zhou, Lijun Wu, Hui-Qiong Wang*, Jin-Cheng Zheng*, Lihua Zhang, Kim Kisslinger, Yaping Li, Zhiqiang Wang, Hao Cheng, Shanming Ke, Yu Li, Junyong Kang & Yimei Zhu* Interfaces between hexagonal and cubic oxides and their structure alternatives Nature Communications 8, 1474 (2017)
3. Jin-Cheng Zheng,Liang Zhang,Andrey V Kretinin,S Morozov,Yi Bo Wang,Tun Wang,Xiaojun Li,Fei Ren,Jingyu Zhang,Ching-Yu Lu,Jia-Cing Chen,Miao Lu,Hui-Qiong Wang,Andre Geim,Konstantin Novoselov, High thermal conductivity of hexagonal boron nitride laminates, 2D Materials 3, 011004 (2016)
4. Ning Wei, Lanqing Xu, Hui-Qiong Wang and Jin-Cheng Zheng*, Strain engineering of thermal conductivity in graphene sheets and nanoribbons: a demonstration of magic flexibility Nanotechnology 22, 105705 (2011)
5. Jin-Cheng Zheng, A. I. Frenkel, L. Wu, J. Hanson, W. Ku, E. S. Bozin, S. J. L. Billinge, and Yimei Zhu, Nanoscale disorder and local electronic properties of CaCu3Ti4O12: An integrated study of electron, neutron, and x-ray diffraction, x-ray absorption fine structure, and first-principles calculations Physical Review B, 81, 144203 (2010).
6. Jin-Cheng Zheng, Lijun Wu, Yimei Zhu, Aspherical electron scattering factors and their parameterizations for elements from H to Xe Journal of Applied Crystallography, 42, 1043 (2009)
7. Jin-Cheng Zheng, and Yimei Zhu, Searching for higher superconducting transition temperature in strained MgB2 using first principles calculations Physical Review B 73, 024509 (2006).
8. Jin-Cheng Zheng, Superhard hexagonal transition metal and its carbide and nitride: Os, OsC and OsN Physical Review B 72, 052105 (2005).
9. Jin-Cheng Zheng, C. H. A. Huan, A. T. S. Wee, M. A. Van Hove, C. S. Fadley, F. J. Shi, E. Rotenberg, S. R. Barman, J. J. Paggel, K. Horn, Ph. Ebert and K. Urban, Atomic Scale Structure of the 5-fold Surface of a AlPdMn Quasicrystal: a Quantitative X-Ray Photoelectron Diffraction Analysis Physical Review B 69, 134107 (2004).
10. J. C. Zheng, M. C. Payne, Y. P. Feng, A. T. L. Lim, Stability and electronic properties of carbon phosphide compounds with (1:1) stoichiometry Physical Review B 67, 153105 (2003).
Full List of Publications
科研基金及项目 (1). 国家自然科学基金国际合作重点项目,“多相复杂材料的相场模型,算法和模拟”,166万,2017-2019(参与)
(2). 国家自然科学基金委员会-广东省政府联合基金,超级计算科学应用研究专项资助(天河二号超级计算中心),20万机时,2016-2018 (主持)
(3). 国家自然科学基金联合基金项目,“钙钛矿型钴氧化物应变超薄膜的局域结构和自旋-轨道秩序的掠入射荧光XAFS研究”,60万,2013-2015(主持)
(4). 科技部863项目子课题,“长寿命锰酸锂系储能电池关键技术及示范”,20万,2013-2015(子课题负责人)
(5). 教育部博士点基金博导类,“新型热电复合氧化物的同步辐射研究”,12万,2013-2015(主持)
任教课程 《热学》(本科)
招生方向 荣誉奖励