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2000.9-2004.7 厦门大学物理学系,获学士学位;
2004.9-2010.9 厦门大学物理系凝聚态物理专业,获博士学位;
2009.9-2013.7 厦门大学物理系任工程师;
2013.8- 至今 厦门大学物理学系任教授级高级工程师。
1. X. Chen and J. Kang, “The structure properties of MgxZn1-xO”,发光学报,27(5), 761-765, 2006.
2. X. Chen, B. Lin and J. Chen, “The parametric optimum design of a new combined system of semiconductor thermoelectric devices”, Applied Energy, 83, 681-686, 2006.
3. 林比宏,陈晓航,陈金灿*,太阳能驱动半导体温差发电器性能参数的优化设计,太阳能学报,27(10),1021-1026,2006.
4 X. Chen, B. Lin and J. Chen, “General performance characteristics of semiconductor thermoelectric generators and their optimal matching loads”, Semiconductor Research Trends, Chapter 11, 313-348, 2007, Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
5. X. Chen and J. Kang, “The structural properties of wurtzite and rocksalt MgxZn1-xO”, Semiconductor Science & Technology, 23, 025008-1-6, 2008.
6. X. Chen, B. Lin and J. Chen, “General performance characteristics and parametric optimum criteria of a Braysson-based fuel cell hybrid system”, Energy & Fuels, 23, 6079-6084, 2009.
7. X. Chen, H. Zhan, C. Zhou, B. Chen and J. Kang, “Initial stages of Mg adsorption on the Si(111)-7x7 surface”, Journal of Applied Physics, 107, 023505-1-4, 2010.
8. X. Chen, Y. Pan and J. Chen*, Performance and evaluation of a fuel cell-thermoelectric generator hybrid system, Fuel Cells, 10, 1164-1170, 2010.
9. H. H. Zhan*, Y. Wu, X. Chen and J. Kang, Square ZnO nano-column and its thermal evolution, Science China Technological Sciences, 53(2), 309-312, 2010.
10. 詹华翰,黄斌旺,吴雅苹,陈晓航,李书平,康俊勇,“Si(100)衬底上闪锌矿ZnO的制备与分析”,发光学报,31(2), 210-213, 2010.
11. X. Chen, L Chen, J. Guo and J. Chen*, An available method exploiting the waste heat of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell system, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36, 6099-6104, 2011.
12. X. Zhang, X. Chen, B. Lin and J. Chen*, Maximum equivalent efficiency and power output of a PEM fuel cell/refrigeration cycle hybrid system, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36, 2190-2196, 2011.
13. H. Zhou, H. Wang*, L. Wu, L. Zhang, K. Kim, Y. Zhu, X. Chen, H. Zhan and J. Kang, Wurtzite ZnO(001) films grown on the cubic MgO(001) with bulk-like opto-electronic properties, Applied Physics Letters, 99, 141917-1-3, 2011.
14. Z. Wu, Y. Zhang, J. Zheng, X. Lin, X. Chen, B. Huang, H. Wang, K. Huang, S. Li and J. Kang*, An all- inorganic type-II heterojunction array with nearly full solar spectral response based on ZnO/ZnSe core/shell nanowires, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21, 6020-6026, 2011.
15. H. Zhang, S. Su, X. Chen*, G. Lin and J. Chen, Performance evaluation and optimum design strategies of an acid water electrolyzer system for hydrogen production, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37, 18615-18621, 2012.
16. H. Zhou, H. Wang, X. Liao,Y. Zhang, J. Zheng, J. Wang, E. Muhemmed, H. Qian, K. Ibrahim, X. Chen, H. Zhan and J. Kang, Tailoring of polar and nonpolar ZnO planes on MgO (001) substrates through molecular beam epitaxy. Nanoscale Research Letters, 7 (1):184(1-7), 2012.
17. B. Jiang, C. Zhang, C. Jin, H. Wang, X. Chen, H. Zhan, F. Huang and J. Kang*, Kinetic-Dynamic Properties of Different Monomers and Two-Dimensional Homoepitaxy Growth on the Zn-Polar (0001) ZnO Surface, Crystal Growth & Design, 12(6):2850-2855, 2012.
18. 江保锋,张纯淼,陈晓航,詹华瀚,周颖慧,王惠琼,康俊勇*,“ZnO(0001)Zn极性面上不同单体生长动力学特性”,厦门大学学报(自然科学版),51(4):1-5,2012.
19. H. Zhang, S. Su, X. Chen*, G. Lin and J. Chen*, Configuration design and performance optimum analysis of a solar-driven high temperature steam electrolysis system for hydrogen production, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38, 4298-4307, 2013.
20. S. Su, J. Wang and X. Chen*, Comment on “Optimal working conditions for thermoelectric generator with realistic thermal coupling” by Aperter Y. et al., Europe Physics Letters (EPL-EUROPHYS LETT), 101, 68007, 2013.
21. S. Su, H. Zhang, X. Chen*, J. Kang and J. Chen*, Parametric optimum design of a photon-enhanced thermionic solar cell, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 117, 219-224, 2013.
22. P. Wang, C. Jin, H. Zhan*, X. Chen, F. Xu, Y. Zhou, H. Wang and J. Kang, Effects of different substrate surface modifications on the epitaxial ZnO/Si, Journal of Crystal Growth, 378:246-250, 2013.
23. W. Geng, H. Wang*, H. Zhou, D. Du, W. Ying, J. Chen, X. Chen, H. Zhan and J. Kang, Epitaxial Growth and Properties of ZnO/MgO(001), Modern Physics, 3:79-83, 2013.
24. D. Du, H. Wang*, Y. Li,W. Huang, J. Xu, J. Cai, L. Cui, C. Zhang, X. Chen, H. Zhan and J. Kang, Structural and Optical Properties of ZnO Thin Films Grown on MgO(111) Substrates by Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Material Sciences, 3:116-120, 2013.
25. X. Chen, Y. Wang and Y. Zhou*, Equivalent power output and parametric optimum design of a PEM fuel cell-based hybrid system, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 63, 429-433, 2014.
26. S. Su, T. Liu, Y. Wang, X. Chen, J. Wang and J. Chen*, Performance optimization analyses and parametric design criteria of a dye-sensitized solar cell thermoelectric hybrid device, Applied Energy, 120:16-22, 2014.
27. 王浩,詹华瀚*,陈晓航,周颖慧,王惠琼,康俊勇,“II-IV比对分子束外延生长的ZnO/ZnMgO超晶格的相结构调控”,发光学报(CHINA JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE),35(5):526-530,2014.
28. C. Zhang, Y. Wu*, Y. Zhou*, N. Gao, F. Guo, X. Chen, B. Jiang, W. Hu and J. Kang*, Two-dimensional Au lattices featuring unique carrier transport preference and wide forbidden gap, Nanoscale, 6:10118-10125, 2014.
29. X. Chen*, Y. Wang, L. Cai and Y. Zhou*, Maximum power output and load matching of a phosphoric acid fuel cell-thermoelectric generator hybrid system, Journal of Power Sources, 294, 430-436, 2015.
30. 王小丹,周华*,耿伟,康煜堃,陈晓航*,王惠琼,周颖慧,詹华瀚,康俊勇,“用分子束外延法生长的立方相ZnxMg1-xO薄膜的性质研究”,Material Sciences(材料科学), 5:79-84,2015。
31. S. Su, T. Liao, X. Chen*, G. Su and J. Chen, Hot-Carrier Solar Cells With Quantum Well and Dot Energy Selective Contacts, IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 51(9):4800208, 2015.
32. S. Su, X. Chen*, Y. Wang and J. Chen, Performance evaluation and parametric optimum design of a thermoelectric refrigerator driven by a dye-sensitized solar cell, International Journal of Refrigeration -REVUE INTERNATIONALE DU FROID, 60:62-69, 2015.
33. C. Zhou, Y. Wu, X. Chen, W. Lin, Y. Zhou, J. Kang* and H. Zhu, Novel Evolution Process of Zn-Induced Nanoclusters on Si(111)-(7x7) Surface, Nano-Micro Lett., 7(2):194-202, 2015.
34. X. Wang, H. Zhou, H. Wang*, F. Ren, X. Chen, H. Zhan, Y. Zhou and J. Kang, Cubic ZnO films obtained at low pressure by molecular beam epitaxy, Chinese Physics B, 24(9):097106, 2015.
35. T. Liao, X. Chen*, B. Lin, and J. Chen, Performance evaluation and parametric optimum design of a vacuum thermionic solar cell, Applied Physics Letters, 108:033901(1-4), 2016.
36. Y. Wang, T. Liao, Y. Zhang, X. Chen*, S. Su, and J. Chen*, Effects of nanoscale vacuum gap on photon-enhanced thermionic emission devices, Journal of Applied Physics, 119:045106(1-6), 2016.
37. X. Chen*,Y. Wang, Y. Zhao, Y. Zhou*, A study of double functions and load matching of a phosphoric acid fuel cell/heat-driven refrigerator hybrid system, Energy, 101:359-365, 2016.
38. H. Wang, H. Zhan*, Y. Zhou, Y. Wu, X. Chen, H. Wang and J. Kang*, Effects of nitrogen dopants on the atomic step kinetics and electronic structures of O-polar ZnO, Nanoscale, 8:4381-4386, 2016.
姓名 陈晓航 职称职务 教授级高级工程师
邮箱 chenxh@xmu.edu.cn 办公室 嘉庚5-206
电话 个人主页
其他信息 研究方向岗位职责 半导体材料生长和表面态研究;新能源利用
教育和工作经历 2000.9-2004.7 厦门大学物理学系,获学士学位;
2004.9-2010.9 厦门大学物理系凝聚态物理专业,获博士学位;
2009.9-2013.7 厦门大学物理系任工程师;
2013.8- 至今 厦门大学物理学系任教授级高级工程师。
代表性文章或专著 1. X. Chen and J. Kang, “The structure properties of MgxZn1-xO”,发光学报,27(5), 761-765, 2006.
2. X. Chen, B. Lin and J. Chen, “The parametric optimum design of a new combined system of semiconductor thermoelectric devices”, Applied Energy, 83, 681-686, 2006.
3. 林比宏,陈晓航,陈金灿*,太阳能驱动半导体温差发电器性能参数的优化设计,太阳能学报,27(10),1021-1026,2006.
4 X. Chen, B. Lin and J. Chen, “General performance characteristics of semiconductor thermoelectric generators and their optimal matching loads”, Semiconductor Research Trends, Chapter 11, 313-348, 2007, Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
5. X. Chen and J. Kang, “The structural properties of wurtzite and rocksalt MgxZn1-xO”, Semiconductor Science & Technology, 23, 025008-1-6, 2008.
6. X. Chen, B. Lin and J. Chen, “General performance characteristics and parametric optimum criteria of a Braysson-based fuel cell hybrid system”, Energy & Fuels, 23, 6079-6084, 2009.
7. X. Chen, H. Zhan, C. Zhou, B. Chen and J. Kang, “Initial stages of Mg adsorption on the Si(111)-7x7 surface”, Journal of Applied Physics, 107, 023505-1-4, 2010.
8. X. Chen, Y. Pan and J. Chen*, Performance and evaluation of a fuel cell-thermoelectric generator hybrid system, Fuel Cells, 10, 1164-1170, 2010.
9. H. H. Zhan*, Y. Wu, X. Chen and J. Kang, Square ZnO nano-column and its thermal evolution, Science China Technological Sciences, 53(2), 309-312, 2010.
10. 詹华翰,黄斌旺,吴雅苹,陈晓航,李书平,康俊勇,“Si(100)衬底上闪锌矿ZnO的制备与分析”,发光学报,31(2), 210-213, 2010.
11. X. Chen, L Chen, J. Guo and J. Chen*, An available method exploiting the waste heat of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell system, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36, 6099-6104, 2011.
12. X. Zhang, X. Chen, B. Lin and J. Chen*, Maximum equivalent efficiency and power output of a PEM fuel cell/refrigeration cycle hybrid system, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36, 2190-2196, 2011.
13. H. Zhou, H. Wang*, L. Wu, L. Zhang, K. Kim, Y. Zhu, X. Chen, H. Zhan and J. Kang, Wurtzite ZnO(001) films grown on the cubic MgO(001) with bulk-like opto-electronic properties, Applied Physics Letters, 99, 141917-1-3, 2011.
14. Z. Wu, Y. Zhang, J. Zheng, X. Lin, X. Chen, B. Huang, H. Wang, K. Huang, S. Li and J. Kang*, An all- inorganic type-II heterojunction array with nearly full solar spectral response based on ZnO/ZnSe core/shell nanowires, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21, 6020-6026, 2011.
15. H. Zhang, S. Su, X. Chen*, G. Lin and J. Chen, Performance evaluation and optimum design strategies of an acid water electrolyzer system for hydrogen production, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37, 18615-18621, 2012.
16. H. Zhou, H. Wang, X. Liao,Y. Zhang, J. Zheng, J. Wang, E. Muhemmed, H. Qian, K. Ibrahim, X. Chen, H. Zhan and J. Kang, Tailoring of polar and nonpolar ZnO planes on MgO (001) substrates through molecular beam epitaxy. Nanoscale Research Letters, 7 (1):184(1-7), 2012.
17. B. Jiang, C. Zhang, C. Jin, H. Wang, X. Chen, H. Zhan, F. Huang and J. Kang*, Kinetic-Dynamic Properties of Different Monomers and Two-Dimensional Homoepitaxy Growth on the Zn-Polar (0001) ZnO Surface, Crystal Growth & Design, 12(6):2850-2855, 2012.
18. 江保锋,张纯淼,陈晓航,詹华瀚,周颖慧,王惠琼,康俊勇*,“ZnO(0001)Zn极性面上不同单体生长动力学特性”,厦门大学学报(自然科学版),51(4):1-5,2012.
19. H. Zhang, S. Su, X. Chen*, G. Lin and J. Chen*, Configuration design and performance optimum analysis of a solar-driven high temperature steam electrolysis system for hydrogen production, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38, 4298-4307, 2013.
20. S. Su, J. Wang and X. Chen*, Comment on “Optimal working conditions for thermoelectric generator with realistic thermal coupling” by Aperter Y. et al., Europe Physics Letters (EPL-EUROPHYS LETT), 101, 68007, 2013.
21. S. Su, H. Zhang, X. Chen*, J. Kang and J. Chen*, Parametric optimum design of a photon-enhanced thermionic solar cell, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 117, 219-224, 2013.
22. P. Wang, C. Jin, H. Zhan*, X. Chen, F. Xu, Y. Zhou, H. Wang and J. Kang, Effects of different substrate surface modifications on the epitaxial ZnO/Si, Journal of Crystal Growth, 378:246-250, 2013.
23. W. Geng, H. Wang*, H. Zhou, D. Du, W. Ying, J. Chen, X. Chen, H. Zhan and J. Kang, Epitaxial Growth and Properties of ZnO/MgO(001), Modern Physics, 3:79-83, 2013.
24. D. Du, H. Wang*, Y. Li,W. Huang, J. Xu, J. Cai, L. Cui, C. Zhang, X. Chen, H. Zhan and J. Kang, Structural and Optical Properties of ZnO Thin Films Grown on MgO(111) Substrates by Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Material Sciences, 3:116-120, 2013.
25. X. Chen, Y. Wang and Y. Zhou*, Equivalent power output and parametric optimum design of a PEM fuel cell-based hybrid system, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 63, 429-433, 2014.
26. S. Su, T. Liu, Y. Wang, X. Chen, J. Wang and J. Chen*, Performance optimization analyses and parametric design criteria of a dye-sensitized solar cell thermoelectric hybrid device, Applied Energy, 120:16-22, 2014.
27. 王浩,詹华瀚*,陈晓航,周颖慧,王惠琼,康俊勇,“II-IV比对分子束外延生长的ZnO/ZnMgO超晶格的相结构调控”,发光学报(CHINA JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE),35(5):526-530,2014.
28. C. Zhang, Y. Wu*, Y. Zhou*, N. Gao, F. Guo, X. Chen, B. Jiang, W. Hu and J. Kang*, Two-dimensional Au lattices featuring unique carrier transport preference and wide forbidden gap, Nanoscale, 6:10118-10125, 2014.
29. X. Chen*, Y. Wang, L. Cai and Y. Zhou*, Maximum power output and load matching of a phosphoric acid fuel cell-thermoelectric generator hybrid system, Journal of Power Sources, 294, 430-436, 2015.
30. 王小丹,周华*,耿伟,康煜堃,陈晓航*,王惠琼,周颖慧,詹华瀚,康俊勇,“用分子束外延法生长的立方相ZnxMg1-xO薄膜的性质研究”,Material Sciences(材料科学), 5:79-84,2015。
31. S. Su, T. Liao, X. Chen*, G. Su and J. Chen, Hot-Carrier Solar Cells With Quantum Well and Dot Energy Selective Contacts, IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 51(9):4800208, 2015.
32. S. Su, X. Chen*, Y. Wang and J. Chen, Performance evaluation and parametric optimum design of a thermoelectric refrigerator driven by a dye-sensitized solar cell, International Journal of Refrigeration -REVUE INTERNATIONALE DU FROID, 60:62-69, 2015.
33. C. Zhou, Y. Wu, X. Chen, W. Lin, Y. Zhou, J. Kang* and H. Zhu, Novel Evolution Process of Zn-Induced Nanoclusters on Si(111)-(7x7) Surface, Nano-Micro Lett., 7(2):194-202, 2015.
34. X. Wang, H. Zhou, H. Wang*, F. Ren, X. Chen, H. Zhan, Y. Zhou and J. Kang, Cubic ZnO films obtained at low pressure by molecular beam epitaxy, Chinese Physics B, 24(9):097106, 2015.
35. T. Liao, X. Chen*, B. Lin, and J. Chen, Performance evaluation and parametric optimum design of a vacuum thermionic solar cell, Applied Physics Letters, 108:033901(1-4), 2016.
36. Y. Wang, T. Liao, Y. Zhang, X. Chen*, S. Su, and J. Chen*, Effects of nanoscale vacuum gap on photon-enhanced thermionic emission devices, Journal of Applied Physics, 119:045106(1-6), 2016.
37. X. Chen*,Y. Wang, Y. Zhao, Y. Zhou*, A study of double functions and load matching of a phosphoric acid fuel cell/heat-driven refrigerator hybrid system, Energy, 101:359-365, 2016.
38. H. Wang, H. Zhan*, Y. Zhou, Y. Wu, X. Chen, H. Wang and J. Kang*, Effects of nitrogen dopants on the atomic step kinetics and electronic structures of O-polar ZnO, Nanoscale, 8:4381-4386, 2016.
科研基金及项目 (1)电解水制氢新型耦合系统的性能分析与优化设计,福建省自然科学基金,2012.01--2014.12。
任教课程 大学物理实验;物理专业实验;物理综合设计实验;物理开放性实验。
招生方向 荣誉奖励