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Spin-space groups: a complete symmetry classification of magnetic structures
方辰 研究员
2024年11月15日(周五) 14:30


Symmetries of three-dimensional periodic scalar fields are described by 230 space groups (SGs). Symmetries of three-dimensional periodic (pseudo)vector fields, however, are described by the spin-space groups (SSGs), which were initially used to describe the symmetries of magnetic orders. In SSGs, the real- space and spin degrees of freedom are unlocked in the sense that an operation could have different spatial and spin rotations. SSGs give a complete symmetry description of magnetic structures and have natural applications in the band theory of itinerary electrons in magnetically ordered systems with weak spin-orbit coupling. Altermagnetism, a concept raised recently that belongs to the symmetry-compensated collinear magnetic orders but has non-relativistic spin splitting, is well described by SSGs. Because of the vast number and complicated group structures, SSGs have not yet been systematically enumerated. In this work, we exhaust SSGs based on the invariant subgroups of SGs, with spin operations constructed from three- dimensional (3D) real representations of the quotient groups for the invariant subgroups. For collinear and coplanar magnetic orders, the spin operations can be reduced into lower-dimensional real representations. As the number of SSGs is infinite, we consider only SSGs that describe magnetic unit cells up to 12 times crystal unit cells. We obtain 157289 non-coplanar, 24 788 coplanar-non-collinear, and 1421 collinear SSGs. The enumerated SSGs are stored in an online database with a user-friendly interface. We develop an algorithm to identify SSGs for realistic materials and find SSGs for 1626 magnetic materials. We also discuss several potential applications of SSGs, including the representation theory, topological states protected by SSGs, structures of spin textures, and refinement of magnetic neutron diffraction patterns using SSGs. Our results serve as a solid starting point for further studies of symmetry and topology in magnetically ordered materials.


方辰于2011年毕业于美国Purdue University物理学系,2012-2015年在美国Princeton University、Massachusetts Institute of Technology等学校任博士后研究助理。2015年底回国,任中国科学院物理研究所副研究员,2018年任研究员。2024年9月,方辰任国际学术期刊Physical Review X编委。回国工作以来,方辰的主要工作集中在拓扑能带理论,首先提出了高阶拓扑绝缘体概念,找到从拓扑不变量到能带不可约表示的完整定量映射,主持建立了首个拓扑材料计算数据库。近年来,工作重心转移到非厄米能带体系和量子动力学方向,分别提出了非厄米趋肤效应的拓扑起源理论,和量子伤痕模型中的准对称性理论。

报告人 方辰 研究员 专家单位 中国科学院物理研究所
报告地点 海韵园物理楼552 报告时间 2024年11月15日(周五) 14:30
学术系列 萨本栋讲坛