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Natural metamaterial based on a confined helical filament
周子聪 教授


    Metamaterials have attracted considerable attentions for decades owing to their fantastic properties and a wide applications. The extraordinary properties of a metamaterial is based on its multistability, i.e., it can stay steadily in more than one stable or metastable states and switch among each other. I found a new mechanism to obtain a natural multi-stable material, i.e., confining a helical filament inside a tube. For the filament with isotropic bending rigidities, when c0R=0.5 and τ0R <0.15, where c0 is the intrinsic curvature of filament, τ0 is intrinsic twist rate and R is the radius of tube, the phase diagram for the stability of a helix contains three regimes. Regime I has a small τ0 and exhibits a bistable state which consists of two isoenergic helices. In regime II, the filament has a moderate τ0 and the bistable state consists of a metastable low-pitch helix and a stable nonhelix. In regime III, the helix is unstable, owing to a large τ0 . A similar phenomenon occurs when c0R∼0.5. Furthermore, our calculations reveal that the extension of filament can undergo a single-step abrupt transition under external force or torque. To make the filament jump from a low pitch helix up to a large pitch one it is more efficient to apply a stretching force; but to induce a collapse from a large pitch helix to a low pitch helix it is better to apply a positive torque.

        On the other hand, we find that when c0R ∼0.5 and τ0R <0.11< c0R, confining a helical filament with anisotropic bending rigidities within a cylindrical tube can create a natural tristable status which is consisted of two low-pitch helices and one high-pitch helix. The relative heights of two low-pitch helices in a tristable status are close to zero. At some specific intrinsic parameters, the tristable status can include an isoenergic status with two helices of the same energy but distinct pitches.


   周子聪,台湾淡江大学物理系教授。曾任淡江大学物理系主任及淡江大学理学院院长。1985年在中国科学院物理研究所获得理学硕士学位。 1996年在加拿大渥太华大学获得哲学博士学位。在《Physical Review》A, B, E 等SCI期刊上发表60余篇研究论文。研究领域包括生物物理,计算物理,统计物理,凝态及软凝态物理。曾获中国科学院科技进步二等奖,台湾国科会甲种研究奖励。

报告人 周子聪 教授 专家单位 台湾淡江大学
报告地点 海韵园物理楼438 报告时间 2024年7月3日(周三)10:00—11:00
学术系列 物理学系“软物质系列学术报告”