教育和工作经历 |
2022/08---至今 厦门大学,物理科学与技术学院,副教授 2019/02---2022/07 厦门大学,物理科学与技术学院,助理教授 2018/10-2019/01 中山大学,物理系,短期特聘助理研究员,量子信息。 2017/09—2018/09 加拿大渥太华大学,杰出研究主席Robert Boyd研究组, 公派联合培养博士生(访问学生研究员),量子非线性光学。 2012/09---2018/09 厦门大学, 物理系,硕博连读,光学 2008/09-2012/07 南阳师范学院,物理学(师范) |
代表性文章或专著 |
[1] D. Zhang, X. Qiu, W. Zhang*, and L. Chen*,Physical Review A 105, 062401 (2022). [2] Y. Cai, et al. W. Zhang*, and L. Chen*, Physical Review A 105, 053509 (2022). [3] S, Fang, et al. W. Zhang*, and L. Chen*, Opt. Express 30, 42026 (2022). [4] Y. Li, W. Zhang*, and L. Chen*, Opt. Express 17, 30210 (2022). (Editor’s Pick) [5] Y. Zeng, D. Zhang, F. Tang, S. Fang, W. Zhang*, and L. Chen*, PRA, 104(053719), (2021) [6] D. Xu, T. Ma, X. Qiu, W. Zhang*, and L. Chen*, Opt. Express 28, 32377 (2020). [7] Y. Chen*, W. Zhang (共同一作), et al, and L. Chen*, PRApplied 14, 054069 (2020). [8] X. Qiu, D. Zhang, W. Zhang, and L. Chen*, PRL 122, 123901 (2019). [9] W. Zhang, D. Zhang, X. Qiu, and L. Chen*, PRA 100, 043832 (2019) . [10] W. Zhang, R. Fickler, E. Giese*, L. Chen* and R. W. Boyd, Opt. Express 27, 20745 (2019). [11] W. Zhang, et al., R. Fickler*, and L. Chen*, PRApplied 10, 044014 (2018). [12] W. Zhang, J. Wang, F. Li, L. Chen*, and E. Karimi*, Laser & Photonics Reviews 11, 1600163 (2017). [Selected by the editors for an Inside Cover Paper] [13] W. Zhang and L. Chen*, "Encoding and decoding of digital spiral imaging based on bidirectional transformation of light’s spatial eigenmodes," Opt. Lett. 41, 2843 (2016) . [14] W. Zhang, Q. Qi, J. Zhou and L. Chen*, "Mimicking Faraday rotation to sort the orbital angular momentum of light," PRL 112, 153601 (2014). |