
2022/8–2023/8 南丹麦大学 纳米光子学中心 访问学者
2018/8–至今 厦门大学 物理学系 副教授
2011/1–2018/7 厦门大学 物理学系 助理教授
2005/9–2010/12 北京大学 物理系 光学专业 理学博士
2001/9–2005/6 云南大学 物理系 电子科学与技术专业 工学学士

1. X.J. Yang and J.Y. Wang*,“Spin-switchable optics for surface plasmon polaritons utilizing nanogroove-pair array,”Advanced Optical Materials (2023) 2301860.
2. Y. Luo, Z.L. Zhan, X.T. Wang, and J.Y. Wang*,“Creation and preservation of superoscillation in a dielectric optical waveguide,”Opt. Letters 45 (2023) 1176-1179.
3. Z.Y. Song*, A. P. Chen, J.H. Zhang, and J.Y. Wang*,“Integrated metamaterial with functionalities of absorption and electromagnetically induced transparency,”
Opt. Express 27 (2019) 25196-25204.
4. J.Y. Wang* and J.S. Zhang*,“Sub-one-third wavelength focusing of surface plasmon polaritons excited by linearly polarized light,”Opt. Express 26 (2018) 14626-14635.
5. J.Y. Wang*, C.Y. Chen, and Z.J. Sun*,“Creation of multiple on-axis foci and ultra-long focal depth for SPPs,”Opt. Express 25 (2017) 1555-1563.
6. J.Y. Wang, J. Yang, Z.J. Bai, and J.S. Zhang*,“Plasmonic quadrant lens for beam-position sensing,”Opt. Express 24 (2016) 21566-21576.
7. J.Y. Wang, C. Hu, and J.S. Zhang*,“Multifunctional and multi-output plasmonic meta-elements for integrated optical circuits,”Opt. Express 22 (2014) 22753-22762.
8. J.Y. Wang, C.L. Zhao, and J.S. Zhang*,“Does the leakage radiation profile mirror the intensity profile of surface plasmon polariton? :reply to comment,”Opt. Letters 36 (2011) 2517.
9. J.Y. Wang, C.L. Zhao, and J.S. Zhang*,“Does the leakage radiation profile mirror the intensity profile of surface plasmon polariton?,”Opt. Letters 35 (2010) 1944-1996.
10. J.Y. Wang, X.F. Wu, and J.S. Zhang*,“Imaging properties of Fresnel zone plate-like surface plasmon polariton launching lens,”Opt. Express 18 (2010) 6686-6692.
11. J.Y. Wang, J.S. Zhang*, X.F. Wu, H. Luo, and Q.H. Gong*,“Subwavelength-resolved bidirectional imaging between two and three dimensions using a surface plasmon launching lens, ”Appl. Phys. Lett. 94 (2009) 081116.
12. J.Y. Wang, J.S. Zhang*, and Q.H. Gong,“Effective in plane launching and focusing surface plasmons by a plasmonic lens, ”2009 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)

广东省自然科学基金: 表面等离激元超振荡透镜研究 (2021-2024,主持)
福建省自然科学基金: 表面等离激元艾里光束的动态调控 (2019-2021,主持)
福建省教育厅青年教师基金:表面等离激元带阻滤波器 (2017-2019,主持)
国家自然科学基金: 基于耦合光栅的表面等离激元器件研究 (2013-2015,主持)
福建省自然科学基金: 基于耦合光栅的表面等离激元聚焦器件研究 (2013-2015,主持)

