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物理楼 358



08/2019 -,教授,厦门大学
09/2014 - 07/2019,副教授,厦门大学
02/2018 - 01/2019,访问博士后,纳米力学实验室,挪威科学技术大学
04/2017 - 08/2017,副教授,厦门大学马来西亚分校
07/2013 - 08/2014,Research Fellow,纳米力学实验室,挪威科学技术大学
09/2009 - 06/2013,博士,结构工程系,挪威科学技术大学
09/2006 – 06/2009,硕士,化学与生物工程系,厦门大学
09/2002 - 06/2006,学士,食品生物工程系,天津农学院
1.Y Xu, Q Shi, Z Zhou, K Xu, Y Lin, Y Li, Z Zhang, J Wu, Machine Learning Assisted Insights into the Mechanical Strength of Nanocrystalline Graphene Oxide, 2D Materials, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1088/2053-1583/ac635d
2.Y. Liu, K. Xu, Y. Xu, J. Liu, J. Y. Wu*, Z. Zhang*, HTR: An ultra-high speed algorithm for cage recognition of clathrate hydrates, Nanotechnology Reviews, 2022, 11 (1), 699-711
3.T. Li*, K. Xu, L. Shi, J. Y. Wu*, J. He, Z. Zhang, Dual-ionic hydrogels with ultralong anti-dehydration lifespan and superior anti-icing performance, Applied Materials Today, 2022, 26, 101367
4.Y. Lin, Y. Liu, K. Xu, T. Li*, Z. Zhang, J. Y. Wu*, Strengthening and weakening of methane hydrate by water vacancies, Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2022, 6 (1), 23-37
5.Z. Zhang, K. Xu, Y. Lin, X. Cao, J. Y. Wu*, Simultaneous stiffening and strengthening of nanodiamond by fivefold twins, MRS Bulletin, 2022, 1-12
6.K. Xu, S. Deng, T. Liang, X. Cao, M. Han, X. Zeng, Z. Zhang, N. Yang*, J. Y. Wu*, Efficient mechanical modulation of the phonon thermal conductivity of Mo6S6 nanowires, Nanoscale, 2022, 14 (8), 3078-3086
7.K. Xu, T. Liang, Z. Zhang, X. Cao, M. Han, N. Wei*, J. Y. Wu*, Grain boundary and misorientation angle-dependent thermal transport in single-layer MoS2, Nanoscale, 2022, 14, 1241-1249.
8.L. Yang, J. Liu, Y. Lin, K. Xu, X. Cao, Z. Zhang*, J. Y. Wu*, Strengthening and Weakening by Dislocations in Monolayer MoS2, Chemistry of Materials, 2021, 33 (22), 8758-8767
9.Y. Lin, K. Xu, X. Cao, S. Huang*, Z. Zhang*, J. Y. Wu*, Role of nanotube chirality on the mechanical characteristics of pillared graphene, Mechanics of Materials, 2021, 162, 104035
10.Y. Fu, J. Y. Wu*, S. Xiao, S. Liu, Z. Zhang, J. He*, Tensile mechanical characteristics of ultra-thin carbon sulfur nanothreads in orientational order, Carbon, 2021, 184, 146-155
11.A. Zhou, Q. Yang, K. Xu, Q. Zhou, J. Y. Wu*, H. Bai*, Manipulating the elasticity of chemically modified graphene aerogel through water surface plasticization, Carbon, 2021, 184, 43-52
12.J. Liu, K. Xu, L. Yang, Y. Lin, T. Li, X. Gao, Z. Zhang, J. Y. Wu*, Fracture mechanics of methane clathrate hydrates, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2021, 37 (9), 1387-1394
13.Z. Fan, Y. Wang, S. Zheng*, K. Xu, J. Y. Wu*, S. Chen, J. Liang, A. Shi, Z. Wang*, A submicron Si@ C core-shell intertwined with carbon nanowires and graphene nanosheet as a high-performance anode material for lithium ion battery, Energy Storage Materials, 2021 39, 1-10
14.Y. Zhuo, Z. Xia, Y. Qi, T. Sumigawa, J. Y. Wu, P Šesták, Y Lu, V Håkonsen, T Li, F. Wang, W. Chen, S. Xiao, R. Long, T. Kitamura, L. Li, J. He*, Z Zhang*, Simultaneously toughening and stiffening elastomers with octuple hydrogen bonding, Advanced Materials, 2021, 33 (23), 2008523
15.Y. Xin, Q. Shi, K. Xu, Z. S. Zhang, J. Y. Wu, Tensile properties of structural I clathrate hydrates: Role of guest—host hydrogen bonding ability, Frontiers of Physics, 2021, 16 (3), 1-10
16.H. Yu, K. Xu, Z. Zhang, X. Cao, J. Weng, J. Y. Wu*, Oxygen functionalization-induced crossover in the tensile properties of the thinnest 2D Ti2C MXene, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2021, 9 (7), 2416-2425
17.J. Zhu, K. Xu, Z. Zhang*, X. Cao, S. Huang*, J. Y. Wu*, Carbon clathrates as strong lightweight structures, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2021, 202, 106509
18.K. Xu, L. Yang, J. Liu, Z. Zhang*, J. Y. Wu*, Mechanical Properties of CH4–CO2 Heteroclathrate Hydrates, Energy & Fuels, 2020, 34 (11), 14368-14378
19.P. Cao, F. Ning*, J. Y. Wu*, B. Cao, T. Li, H. A. Sveinsson, Z. Liu, T. J. H Vlugt, M. Hyodo, Mechanical response of nanocrystalline ice-contained methane hydrates: Key role of water ice, ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2020, 12 (12), 14016-14028
20.Y Fu, K Xu, J Wu*, Z Zhang, J He*, The effects of morphology and temperature on the tensile characteristics of carbon nitride nanothreads, Nanoscale, 2020, 12 (23), 12462-12475
21.Y Zhao, C Wang*, H. H Wu, J. Y. Wu*, X He*, Molecular-dynamics study of the carbon nanotube mechanical metahelix, Carbon, 2019, 155, 334-343
22.J. Y. Wu*, H. Gong, Z. Zhang, J. He, P. Ariza, M. Ortiz, Z. Zhang*. Topology and polarity of dislocation cores dictate the mechanical strength of monolayer MoS2, Applied Materials Today, 2019, 15, 34-42.
23.X. Liu, L. Ning, M. Deng, J. Y. Wu*, A. Zhu*, Q. Zhang, Q. Liu. Self-recoverable Pd–Ru/TiO 2 nanocatalysts with ultrastability towards ethanol electrooxidation, Nanoscale, 2019, 11, 7, 3311-3317
24.J. Y. Wu,* P. Cao, Z. Zhang, F. Ning, S. Zheng, J. He, Z. Zhang*. Grain-size Controlled Mechanical Properties of Polycrystalline Monolayer MoS2, Nano Letters, 2018, 18, 2, 1543-1552.
25.J. Y. Wu,* Q. Shi, Z. Zhang, H.-H. Wu, C. Wang, F. Ning, S. Xiao, J. He, Z. Zhang*. Nature-inspired entwined coiled carbon mechanical metamaterials: molecular dynamics simulations. Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 33, 15641-15653
26.J. Y. Wu,* H. Zhao, J. Liu, Z. Zhang, F. Ning, Y. Liu*. Nanotube-Chirality-Controlled Tensile Characteristics in Coiled Carbon Metastructures. Carbon, 2018, 133;335-349.3
27.H. Zhao, Q. Shi, Z. Han, H. Gong, Z. Zhang, S. Wu, J. Y. Wu*. Anomalous thermal stability in supergiant onion-like carbon fullerene, Carbon, 2018, 138, 243-256.
28.C. Feng, J. Xu*, Z. Zhang, J. Y. Wu*, Morphology-and dehydrogenation-controlled mechanical properties in diamond nanothreads, Carbon, 2017, 124, 9-22
29.C. Sui, Q. Luo, X. He,* L. Tong, K. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, J. Y. Wu,* C. Wang.* A study of mechanical peeling behavior in a junction assembled by two individual carbon nanotubes. Carbon, 2016, 107, 651-657.
30.J. Y. Wu, F. Ning*, T. T. Trinh, S. Kjelstrup, T. J. H. Vlugt, J. He, B. H. Skallerud, Z Zhang*. Mechanical instability of monocrystalline and polycrystalline methane hydrates, Nature Communications, 2015, 6:8743.
31.J. Y. Wu, J. Y. He, G. M. Odegard, S. Nagao, Q. S. Zheng, and Z. L. Zhang, Giant Stretchability and Reversibility in Tightly-Wound Helical Carbon Nanotubes, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135:13775
32.J. Y. Wu, S. Nagao, J. Y. He, Z. L. Zhang*, Nanohinge Induced Plasticity of Helical Carbon Nanotubes, Small, 2013, 9:3561 (Cover Figure)
33.J. Y. Wu, S. Nagao, J. Y. He, Z. L. Zhang*, Role of Five-fold Twin Boundary on the Enhanced Mechanical Properties of fcc Fe Nanowires, Nano Letters, 2011, 11:5264
中央高校基本业务费, “甲烷-二氧化碳二元水合物的热输运”, 2021-2023年
中央高校基本业务费, “二硫化钼的微观力学行为“, 2018-2020年
国家自然科学面上基金,“天然气化合物的力学失稳行为”, 2018-2021年
国家自然科学青年基金,“分子模拟研究螺旋碳纳米管的力与热学行为”, 2016-2018年
大学物理 B, C
General Physics
姓名 吴建洋 职称职务 教授
邮箱 jianyang@xmu.edu.cn 办公室 物理楼 358
电话 个人主页 http://www.hydrate-ice.group/
其他信息 研究方向岗位职责 非常规能源力学;可燃冰开采关键物理问题;微纳材料力与热学;机器学习与分子模拟
教育和工作经历 08/2019 -,教授,厦门大学
09/2014 - 07/2019,副教授,厦门大学
02/2018 - 01/2019,访问博士后,纳米力学实验室,挪威科学技术大学
04/2017 - 08/2017,副教授,厦门大学马来西亚分校
07/2013 - 08/2014,Research Fellow,纳米力学实验室,挪威科学技术大学
09/2009 - 06/2013,博士,结构工程系,挪威科学技术大学
09/2006 – 06/2009,硕士,化学与生物工程系,厦门大学
09/2002 - 06/2006,学士,食品生物工程系,天津农学院
代表性文章或专著 1.Y Xu, Q Shi, Z Zhou, K Xu, Y Lin, Y Li, Z Zhang, J Wu, Machine Learning Assisted Insights into the Mechanical Strength of Nanocrystalline Graphene Oxide, 2D Materials, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1088/2053-1583/ac635d
2.Y. Liu, K. Xu, Y. Xu, J. Liu, J. Y. Wu*, Z. Zhang*, HTR: An ultra-high speed algorithm for cage recognition of clathrate hydrates, Nanotechnology Reviews, 2022, 11 (1), 699-711
3.T. Li*, K. Xu, L. Shi, J. Y. Wu*, J. He, Z. Zhang, Dual-ionic hydrogels with ultralong anti-dehydration lifespan and superior anti-icing performance, Applied Materials Today, 2022, 26, 101367
4.Y. Lin, Y. Liu, K. Xu, T. Li*, Z. Zhang, J. Y. Wu*, Strengthening and weakening of methane hydrate by water vacancies, Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2022, 6 (1), 23-37
5.Z. Zhang, K. Xu, Y. Lin, X. Cao, J. Y. Wu*, Simultaneous stiffening and strengthening of nanodiamond by fivefold twins, MRS Bulletin, 2022, 1-12
6.K. Xu, S. Deng, T. Liang, X. Cao, M. Han, X. Zeng, Z. Zhang, N. Yang*, J. Y. Wu*, Efficient mechanical modulation of the phonon thermal conductivity of Mo6S6 nanowires, Nanoscale, 2022, 14 (8), 3078-3086
7.K. Xu, T. Liang, Z. Zhang, X. Cao, M. Han, N. Wei*, J. Y. Wu*, Grain boundary and misorientation angle-dependent thermal transport in single-layer MoS2, Nanoscale, 2022, 14, 1241-1249.
8.L. Yang, J. Liu, Y. Lin, K. Xu, X. Cao, Z. Zhang*, J. Y. Wu*, Strengthening and Weakening by Dislocations in Monolayer MoS2, Chemistry of Materials, 2021, 33 (22), 8758-8767
9.Y. Lin, K. Xu, X. Cao, S. Huang*, Z. Zhang*, J. Y. Wu*, Role of nanotube chirality on the mechanical characteristics of pillared graphene, Mechanics of Materials, 2021, 162, 104035
10.Y. Fu, J. Y. Wu*, S. Xiao, S. Liu, Z. Zhang, J. He*, Tensile mechanical characteristics of ultra-thin carbon sulfur nanothreads in orientational order, Carbon, 2021, 184, 146-155
11.A. Zhou, Q. Yang, K. Xu, Q. Zhou, J. Y. Wu*, H. Bai*, Manipulating the elasticity of chemically modified graphene aerogel through water surface plasticization, Carbon, 2021, 184, 43-52
12.J. Liu, K. Xu, L. Yang, Y. Lin, T. Li, X. Gao, Z. Zhang, J. Y. Wu*, Fracture mechanics of methane clathrate hydrates, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2021, 37 (9), 1387-1394
13.Z. Fan, Y. Wang, S. Zheng*, K. Xu, J. Y. Wu*, S. Chen, J. Liang, A. Shi, Z. Wang*, A submicron Si@ C core-shell intertwined with carbon nanowires and graphene nanosheet as a high-performance anode material for lithium ion battery, Energy Storage Materials, 2021 39, 1-10
14.Y. Zhuo, Z. Xia, Y. Qi, T. Sumigawa, J. Y. Wu, P Šesták, Y Lu, V Håkonsen, T Li, F. Wang, W. Chen, S. Xiao, R. Long, T. Kitamura, L. Li, J. He*, Z Zhang*, Simultaneously toughening and stiffening elastomers with octuple hydrogen bonding, Advanced Materials, 2021, 33 (23), 2008523
15.Y. Xin, Q. Shi, K. Xu, Z. S. Zhang, J. Y. Wu, Tensile properties of structural I clathrate hydrates: Role of guest—host hydrogen bonding ability, Frontiers of Physics, 2021, 16 (3), 1-10
16.H. Yu, K. Xu, Z. Zhang, X. Cao, J. Weng, J. Y. Wu*, Oxygen functionalization-induced crossover in the tensile properties of the thinnest 2D Ti2C MXene, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2021, 9 (7), 2416-2425
17.J. Zhu, K. Xu, Z. Zhang*, X. Cao, S. Huang*, J. Y. Wu*, Carbon clathrates as strong lightweight structures, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2021, 202, 106509
18.K. Xu, L. Yang, J. Liu, Z. Zhang*, J. Y. Wu*, Mechanical Properties of CH4–CO2 Heteroclathrate Hydrates, Energy & Fuels, 2020, 34 (11), 14368-14378
19.P. Cao, F. Ning*, J. Y. Wu*, B. Cao, T. Li, H. A. Sveinsson, Z. Liu, T. J. H Vlugt, M. Hyodo, Mechanical response of nanocrystalline ice-contained methane hydrates: Key role of water ice, ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2020, 12 (12), 14016-14028
20.Y Fu, K Xu, J Wu*, Z Zhang, J He*, The effects of morphology and temperature on the tensile characteristics of carbon nitride nanothreads, Nanoscale, 2020, 12 (23), 12462-12475
21.Y Zhao, C Wang*, H. H Wu, J. Y. Wu*, X He*, Molecular-dynamics study of the carbon nanotube mechanical metahelix, Carbon, 2019, 155, 334-343
22.J. Y. Wu*, H. Gong, Z. Zhang, J. He, P. Ariza, M. Ortiz, Z. Zhang*. Topology and polarity of dislocation cores dictate the mechanical strength of monolayer MoS2, Applied Materials Today, 2019, 15, 34-42.
23.X. Liu, L. Ning, M. Deng, J. Y. Wu*, A. Zhu*, Q. Zhang, Q. Liu. Self-recoverable Pd–Ru/TiO 2 nanocatalysts with ultrastability towards ethanol electrooxidation, Nanoscale, 2019, 11, 7, 3311-3317
24.J. Y. Wu,* P. Cao, Z. Zhang, F. Ning, S. Zheng, J. He, Z. Zhang*. Grain-size Controlled Mechanical Properties of Polycrystalline Monolayer MoS2, Nano Letters, 2018, 18, 2, 1543-1552.
25.J. Y. Wu,* Q. Shi, Z. Zhang, H.-H. Wu, C. Wang, F. Ning, S. Xiao, J. He, Z. Zhang*. Nature-inspired entwined coiled carbon mechanical metamaterials: molecular dynamics simulations. Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 33, 15641-15653
26.J. Y. Wu,* H. Zhao, J. Liu, Z. Zhang, F. Ning, Y. Liu*. Nanotube-Chirality-Controlled Tensile Characteristics in Coiled Carbon Metastructures. Carbon, 2018, 133;335-349.3
27.H. Zhao, Q. Shi, Z. Han, H. Gong, Z. Zhang, S. Wu, J. Y. Wu*. Anomalous thermal stability in supergiant onion-like carbon fullerene, Carbon, 2018, 138, 243-256.
28.C. Feng, J. Xu*, Z. Zhang, J. Y. Wu*, Morphology-and dehydrogenation-controlled mechanical properties in diamond nanothreads, Carbon, 2017, 124, 9-22
29.C. Sui, Q. Luo, X. He,* L. Tong, K. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, J. Y. Wu,* C. Wang.* A study of mechanical peeling behavior in a junction assembled by two individual carbon nanotubes. Carbon, 2016, 107, 651-657.
30.J. Y. Wu, F. Ning*, T. T. Trinh, S. Kjelstrup, T. J. H. Vlugt, J. He, B. H. Skallerud, Z Zhang*. Mechanical instability of monocrystalline and polycrystalline methane hydrates, Nature Communications, 2015, 6:8743.
31.J. Y. Wu, J. Y. He, G. M. Odegard, S. Nagao, Q. S. Zheng, and Z. L. Zhang, Giant Stretchability and Reversibility in Tightly-Wound Helical Carbon Nanotubes, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135:13775
32.J. Y. Wu, S. Nagao, J. Y. He, Z. L. Zhang*, Nanohinge Induced Plasticity of Helical Carbon Nanotubes, Small, 2013, 9:3561 (Cover Figure)
33.J. Y. Wu, S. Nagao, J. Y. He, Z. L. Zhang*, Role of Five-fold Twin Boundary on the Enhanced Mechanical Properties of fcc Fe Nanowires, Nano Letters, 2011, 11:5264
科研基金及项目 国家自然科学面上基金,“甲烷-二氧化碳异质水合物及其沉积物的力学”,2022-2025年
中央高校基本业务费, “甲烷-二氧化碳二元水合物的热输运”, 2021-2023年
中央高校基本业务费, “二硫化钼的微观力学行为“, 2018-2020年
国家自然科学面上基金,“天然气化合物的力学失稳行为”, 2018-2021年
国家自然科学青年基金,“分子模拟研究螺旋碳纳米管的力与热学行为”, 2016-2018年
任教课程 大学物理 B, C
General Physics
招生方向 荣誉奖励