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物理楼 408



教育 :
2007 美国耶鲁大学应用物理系博士
2006 美国布鲁克海文国家实验室青年访问学者
2001 新加坡国立大学物理系理学硕士
2000 美国斯坦福大学机械工程系访问学生
1999 厦门大学物理系理学学士
2014- 厦门大学物理系教授
2009-2014 厦门大学物理系副教授
2008-2009 美国康奈尔大学应用物理系博士后
2007-2008 美国耶鲁大学应用物理系博士后
获奖 :
2019 厦门大学“中国银行奖教金”
2012 第二届两岸同步辐射学术研讨会"杰出海报"奖
2009 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划
2008 美国耶鲁大学研究生院优秀博士生奖
共发表 70多 篇 SCI 论文 (SCI publications >70; citations >1700; h-index = 20, i10-index = 36-- as of April 2019)
全部文章列表 (full publication list)(http://www.researcherid.com/rid/H-4690-2011)
“氧化物”代表性论文 (Representative publications on oxides):
10. Hua Zhou, Lijun Wu, Hui-Qiong Wang*, Jin-Cheng Zheng*, Lihua Zhang, Kim Kisslinger, Yaping Li, Zhiqiang Wang, Hao Cheng, Shanming Ke, Yu Li, Junyong Kang and Yimei Zhu*, Interfaces between hexagonal and cubic oxides and their structure alternatives, Nature Communications 8:1474 (2017)
9. Meng Wu, Jin-Cheng Zheng*, Hui-Qiong Wang*, Investigation of the V L23-edge x-ray absorption spectrum of SrVO3 using configuration interaction calculations: Multiplet, valence, and crystal field effects, Physical Review B 97,24, 245138 (2018)
8. Hua Zhou, Hui-Qiong Wang* ,Yaping Li, Kongyi Li, Junyong Kang, Jin-Cheng Zheng, Zheng Jiang,Yuying Huang,Lijun Wu, Lihua Zhang, Kim Kisslinger, and Yimei Zhu, Evolution of Wurtzite ZnO Films on Cubic MgO (001) Substrates: A Structural, Optical, and Electronic Investigation of the Misfit Structures, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 6, 13823 (2014).
7. Che-Hui Lee, Nikolas J. Podraza, Ye Zhu, Robert F. Berger, Shaoping Shen, Michelle Sestak, Robert W. Collins, Lena F. Kourkoutis, Julia A. Mundy, Huiqiong Wang, Qingyun Mao, Xiaoxing Xi, Leonard J. Brillson, Jeffrey B. Neaton, David A. Muller and Darrell G. Schlom, Effect of reduced dimensionality on the optical band gap of SrTiO3, Applied Physics Letters 102, 122901 (2013)
6. Hua Zhou, Hui-Qiong Wang*, Lijun Wu, Lihua Zhang, Kim Kisslinger, Yimei Zhu, Xiaohang Chen, Huahan Zhan, and Junyong Kang, Wurtzite ZnO (001) films grown on cubic MgO (001) with bulk-like opto-electronic properties, Applied Physics Letters 99, 141917 (2011).
5. Hui-Qiong Wang, Eric Altman, Christine Broadbridge, Yimei Zhu, Victor Henrich, Determination of electronic structure of oxide-oxide interfaces by photoemission spectroscopy, Advanced Materials 22, 2950 (2010).
4. C. Adamo, X. Ke, H.Q. Wang, H. L. Xin, T. Heeg, M. E. Hawley, W. Zander, J. Schubert, P. Schiffer, D. A. Muller, L. Maritato, and D. G. Schlom, Effect of biaxial strain on the electrical and magnetic properties of (001) La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films, Applied Physics Letters 95, 112504 (2009).
3. Hui-Qiong Wang*, Eric Altman, Victor E. Henrich, Interfacial properties between CoO (100) and Fe3O4 (100), Physical Review B 77, 085313 (2008). (Selected for kaleidoscope image of Physical Review B, February 2008.)
2. Hui-Qiong Wang*, Eric Altman, Victor E. Henrich, Measurement of electronic structure at nanoscale solid–solid interfaces by surface-sensitive electron spectroscopy, Applied Physics Letters 92, 012118 (2008). (Selected for Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, Vol. 17, Issue 3, January 21, 2008.)
1. Hui-Qiong Wang*, Eric Altman, Victor E. Henrich, Steps on Fe3O4 (100): STM measurements and theoretical calculations, Physical Review B 73, 235418 (2006). (Selected for Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, Vol. 14, Issue 1, July 4, 2006.)
2016 厦门大学校长基金
2013 国家自然科学基金联合基金
2012 国际纯粹和应用物理组织之女物理学者会议基金
2012 国家自然科学基金青年基金、北京光源重点课题
2011 浙江大学硅材料国家重点实验室开放基金
2010 国家自然科学基金主任基金、 福建省自然科学基金青年创新基金、教育部博士点基金新教师基金
2006 维也纳电镜+密度泛涵理论研讨会基金
2000 新加坡李氏基金会基金
本科: 国际班《大学物理》(全英文) ; 《科学与艺术》(全英文)
研究生: 《表面科学简介》(学院优质课程);《金属氧化物专题》(双语)
姓名 王惠琼 职称职务 教授
邮箱 hqwang@xmu.edu.cn 办公室 物理楼 408
电话 个人主页
其他信息 研究方向岗位职责 功能氧化物、界面物理、同步辐射
教育和工作经历 教育 :
2007 美国耶鲁大学应用物理系博士
2006 美国布鲁克海文国家实验室青年访问学者
2001 新加坡国立大学物理系理学硕士
2000 美国斯坦福大学机械工程系访问学生
1999 厦门大学物理系理学学士
2014- 厦门大学物理系教授
2009-2014 厦门大学物理系副教授
2008-2009 美国康奈尔大学应用物理系博士后
2007-2008 美国耶鲁大学应用物理系博士后
获奖 :
2019 厦门大学“中国银行奖教金”
2012 第二届两岸同步辐射学术研讨会"杰出海报"奖
2009 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划
2008 美国耶鲁大学研究生院优秀博士生奖
代表性文章或专著 共发表 70多 篇 SCI 论文 (SCI publications >70; citations >1700; h-index = 20, i10-index = 36-- as of April 2019)
全部文章列表 (full publication list)(http://www.researcherid.com/rid/H-4690-2011)
“氧化物”代表性论文 (Representative publications on oxides):
10. Hua Zhou, Lijun Wu, Hui-Qiong Wang*, Jin-Cheng Zheng*, Lihua Zhang, Kim Kisslinger, Yaping Li, Zhiqiang Wang, Hao Cheng, Shanming Ke, Yu Li, Junyong Kang and Yimei Zhu*, Interfaces between hexagonal and cubic oxides and their structure alternatives, Nature Communications 8:1474 (2017)
9. Meng Wu, Jin-Cheng Zheng*, Hui-Qiong Wang*, Investigation of the V L23-edge x-ray absorption spectrum of SrVO3 using configuration interaction calculations: Multiplet, valence, and crystal field effects, Physical Review B 97,24, 245138 (2018)
8. Hua Zhou, Hui-Qiong Wang* ,Yaping Li, Kongyi Li, Junyong Kang, Jin-Cheng Zheng, Zheng Jiang,Yuying Huang,Lijun Wu, Lihua Zhang, Kim Kisslinger, and Yimei Zhu, Evolution of Wurtzite ZnO Films on Cubic MgO (001) Substrates: A Structural, Optical, and Electronic Investigation of the Misfit Structures, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 6, 13823 (2014).
7. Che-Hui Lee, Nikolas J. Podraza, Ye Zhu, Robert F. Berger, Shaoping Shen, Michelle Sestak, Robert W. Collins, Lena F. Kourkoutis, Julia A. Mundy, Huiqiong Wang, Qingyun Mao, Xiaoxing Xi, Leonard J. Brillson, Jeffrey B. Neaton, David A. Muller and Darrell G. Schlom, Effect of reduced dimensionality on the optical band gap of SrTiO3, Applied Physics Letters 102, 122901 (2013)
6. Hua Zhou, Hui-Qiong Wang*, Lijun Wu, Lihua Zhang, Kim Kisslinger, Yimei Zhu, Xiaohang Chen, Huahan Zhan, and Junyong Kang, Wurtzite ZnO (001) films grown on cubic MgO (001) with bulk-like opto-electronic properties, Applied Physics Letters 99, 141917 (2011).
5. Hui-Qiong Wang, Eric Altman, Christine Broadbridge, Yimei Zhu, Victor Henrich, Determination of electronic structure of oxide-oxide interfaces by photoemission spectroscopy, Advanced Materials 22, 2950 (2010).
4. C. Adamo, X. Ke, H.Q. Wang, H. L. Xin, T. Heeg, M. E. Hawley, W. Zander, J. Schubert, P. Schiffer, D. A. Muller, L. Maritato, and D. G. Schlom, Effect of biaxial strain on the electrical and magnetic properties of (001) La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films, Applied Physics Letters 95, 112504 (2009).
3. Hui-Qiong Wang*, Eric Altman, Victor E. Henrich, Interfacial properties between CoO (100) and Fe3O4 (100), Physical Review B 77, 085313 (2008). (Selected for kaleidoscope image of Physical Review B, February 2008.)
2. Hui-Qiong Wang*, Eric Altman, Victor E. Henrich, Measurement of electronic structure at nanoscale solid–solid interfaces by surface-sensitive electron spectroscopy, Applied Physics Letters 92, 012118 (2008). (Selected for Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, Vol. 17, Issue 3, January 21, 2008.)
1. Hui-Qiong Wang*, Eric Altman, Victor E. Henrich, Steps on Fe3O4 (100): STM measurements and theoretical calculations, Physical Review B 73, 235418 (2006). (Selected for Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, Vol. 14, Issue 1, July 4, 2006.)
科研基金及项目 2016 厦门大学校长基金
2013 国家自然科学基金联合基金
2012 国际纯粹和应用物理组织之女物理学者会议基金
2012 国家自然科学基金青年基金、北京光源重点课题
2011 浙江大学硅材料国家重点实验室开放基金
2010 国家自然科学基金主任基金、 福建省自然科学基金青年创新基金、教育部博士点基金新教师基金
2006 维也纳电镜+密度泛涵理论研讨会基金
2000 新加坡李氏基金会基金
任教课程 本科: 国际班《大学物理》(全英文) ; 《科学与艺术》(全英文)
研究生: 《表面科学简介》(学院优质课程);《金属氧化物专题》(双语)
招生方向 荣誉奖励