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Modeling and simulation of active particle systems
报告人 Prof. Qi Wang 专家单位 University of South Carolina
报告地点 物理楼307 报告时间 2021/06/18 周五 - 15:00




Modeling and simulation of active particle systems


Prof. Qi Wang


University of South Carolina


2021/06/18 周五 - 15:00




Qi Wang obtained his BS from Nankai University in 1982 and PhD in mathematics from the Ohio State University in 1991. He is currently a Professor of Mathematics at the department of Mathematics in University of South Carolina. He served as the director of applied mathematics program at Florida State University and the thrust leader for theory, modeling and simulation at the Nanocenter at USC.


In this talk, I will present two platforms for studying active particle systems on curved surfaces and in solutions, respectively. In the first model, we simulate motion of self-propelled active partciels on a prescribed surface and present a host of spatial temporal patterns on surfaces of various topologies. In particular, we identify a novel spatial temporal motion while the curvature of the surface exceed certain value in a hill-valley topography. In the second model, we develop a hybrid hydrodynamical model to simulate active swimmers in a solution subject to various source of driven and self-driven mechanisms. The active particles in the model can be either rigid or soft. Extension to include elastic or viscoelastic particles are possible.