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Channel flows of colloidal suspensions — a mechanical perspective for suspension balance model
报告人 Prof. Ryohei Seto 专家单位 Wenzhou Institute, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
报告地点 物理楼407 报告时间 2021/04/29 周四 - 10:00




Channel flows of colloidal suspensions — a mechanical perspective for suspension balance model


Prof. Ryohei Seto


Wenzhou Institute, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences


2021/04/29 周四 - 10:00




soft materials science, including colloidal dynamics, suspension rheology, and granular systems


Ryohei Seto is a physicist with broad experience in soft materials science, including colloidal dynamics, suspension rheology, and granular systems. He joined the Wenzhou Institute of UCAS in 2019. He is also a Visiting Professor at the University of Hyogo in Japan and a Visiting Fellow at Basque Center for Applied Mathematics in Spain. Previously, he was a Group Leader in the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology. He has postdoc experiences at the Solid States Physics Laboratory of the Pari-Sud (Orsay), Technical University of Munich, the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (Mainz), and the Levich Institute of the City College of New York.


Suspensions of colloidal particles are relevant to quite a few applications and are vital for developing a fundamental soft matter and nonequilibrium physics. They exhibit unusual rheological behaviors, apparently turning from liquid to solid due to changes in chemical conditions or dynamic conditions. In this seminar, I will discuss the physics we need to know to predict the flows of dense suspensions in channels. I will also explain our coarse-grained simulation approach to capture the particle dynamics in flowing suspensions.