Research AreasNanomagnetism; Micromagnetic simulation; Multiferroic materials; Magnetoelectric coupling

Education&Work Experience
2016.1-2017.1 Visiting scholar, Sheffield University (UK)
2010.7- now Assistant Professor, Xiamen University
2005.9-2010.6 Ph. D, Nanjing University
2001.9-2005.6 BSc, Qufu Normal University

1) Xinwei Dong,* Ruifang Wang, “Chirality-selection of magnetic domain walls in the Y-shaped nanostrips under small magnetic fields" J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 473 (2019) 26-31.
2) Dong Li, Xue-Mei Zhao, Hai-Xia Zhao,* Xin-Wei Dong,* La-Sheng Long,* and Lan-Sun Zheng, "Construction of Magnetoelectric Composites with a Large Room-Temperature Magnetoelectric Response through Molecular–Ionic Ferroelectrics ''Adv. Mater., 30, 1803716 (2018).
3) Lihong Chen, Jiangbin Guo, Xuan Wang, Xinwei Dong, Haixia Zhao,* Lasheng Long* and Lansun Zheng, “Giant Room-Temperature Magnetodielectric Response in a MOF at 0.1 Tesla” Adv. Mater. 29, 1702512 (2017).
4) Jiangbin Guo, Lihong Chen, Dong Li, Haixia Zhao,* Xinwei Dong,* Lasheng Long,* Rongbin Huang and Lansun Zheng, Applied Physics Letters 110, 192902 (2017).
5) Xinwei Dong, Zhenyu Wang and Ruifang Wang*, “Deep sub-nanosecond reversal of vortex cores confined in a spin-wave potential well” Applied Physics Letters 104, 112413 (2014).
6) Ruifang Wang,* and Xinwei Dong, “Sub-nanosecond switching of vortex cores using a resonant perpendicular magnetic field” Applied Physics Letters 100, 082402 (2012).
7) X. W. Dong, S. Dong, K. F. Wang, J. G. Wan, and J. -M. Liu,* “Enhancement of ferroelectricity in Cr-doped Ho2Ti2O7” Applied Physics Letters 96 242904 (2010).

1. Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No. 20720160022) (2016.01-2018.12)
2. National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11204255)(2013.01-2015.12)

General physics B (for college students)