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Cao Xuezheng

Associate Professor

Room 452


Research AreasDeveloping computational and theoretical methods to study the mechanical property and rheological behaviors of soft matter systems such as functional polymer nanocomposites and gels etc..

Education&Work Experience
2019.03-To Now  Department of Physics at Xiamen University, Associate Professor
2016.02-2019.06  University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Postdoctoral Research Associate
2014.01-2016.01  Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Assistant Professor
2012.08-2013.12  Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden (IPF Dresden),Germany, Postdoctoral Fellow
2007.09-2012.07  Department of Physics at Xiamen University,Master/PhD
2009.05-2010.03 & 2011.07-2011.09  IPF-Dresden,Visiting Graduate Student
2003.09-2007.07  Department of Physics at Xiamen University,Undergraduate Study
(1) X.Z. Cao*, H. Merlitz* and Chen-Xu Wu* Mechanical strength management of polymer composites through running transient networks. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2020, 11:710.
(2) X.Z. Cao*, H. Merlitz and M.G. Forest* Nanoparticle loading of unentangled polymers induces entanglement-like relaxation modes and a broad sol−gel transition. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2019, 10:4968.
(3) X.Z. Cao and M.G. Forest* Rheological tuning of entangled polymer networks by transient crosslinks. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2019, 123:974.
(4) X.Z. Cao*, H. Merlitz*, and C.X. Wu* Tuning adsorption duration to control the diffusion of a nanoparticle in adsorbing polymers. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2017, 8:2629.
(5) X.Z. Cao*, H. Merlitz, C.X. Wu, G. Ungar and J.U. Sommer A theoretical study of dispersion-to-aggregation of nanoparticles in adsorbing polymer using molecular dynamics simulations. Nanoscale, 2016, 8:6964.
(6) X.Z. Cao*, Z.G. Duan, J.S. Wang, Y.S. Liu, C.X. Wu Thin polymer-layer decorated, structure adjustable crystals of nanoparticles. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2015, 17:22533.
(7) X.Z. Cao, H. Merlitz*, C.X. Wu*, and J.U. Sommer Polymer induced inverse temperature crystallization of nanoparticles on a substrate. ACS Nano, 2013, 7:9920.
(8) X.Z. Cao, H. Merlitz*, C.X. Wu*, S.A. Egorov*, and J.U. Sommer Effective pair potentials between nanoparticles induced by single monomers and polymer chains. Soft Matter, 2013, 9:5916.
(9) X.Z. Cao, H. Merlitz*, C.X. Wu*, and J.U. Sommer Entropy dominated behaviors of confined polymer nanoparticle mixture. Chinese Physics B, 2012, 21:118202.
(10) X.Z. Cao, H. Merlitz*, C.X. Wu*, and J.U. Sommer Polymer induced entropic depletion potential. Physical Review E, 2011, 62:5360.
(1) PI, National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Grant No.11974291, 2020.01-2023.12  
(2) PI, The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, 2019.01-2021.12  
General Physics; Polymer Physics; Material Physics
姓名 Cao Xuezheng 职称职务 Associate Professor
邮箱 办公室 Room 452
电话 个人主页
其他信息 研究方向岗位职责 Developing computational and theoretical methods to study the mechanical property and rheological behaviors of soft matter systems such as functional polymer nanocomposites and gels etc..
教育和工作经历 2019.03-To Now  Department of Physics at Xiamen University, Associate Professor
2016.02-2019.06  University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Postdoctoral Research Associate
2014.01-2016.01  Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Assistant Professor
2012.08-2013.12  Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden (IPF Dresden),Germany, Postdoctoral Fellow
2007.09-2012.07  Department of Physics at Xiamen University,Master/PhD
2009.05-2010.03 & 2011.07-2011.09  IPF-Dresden,Visiting Graduate Student
2003.09-2007.07  Department of Physics at Xiamen University,Undergraduate Study
代表性文章或专著 (1) X.Z. Cao*, H. Merlitz* and Chen-Xu Wu* Mechanical strength management of polymer composites through running transient networks. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2020, 11:710.
(2) X.Z. Cao*, H. Merlitz and M.G. Forest* Nanoparticle loading of unentangled polymers induces entanglement-like relaxation modes and a broad sol−gel transition. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2019, 10:4968.
(3) X.Z. Cao and M.G. Forest* Rheological tuning of entangled polymer networks by transient crosslinks. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2019, 123:974.
(4) X.Z. Cao*, H. Merlitz*, and C.X. Wu* Tuning adsorption duration to control the diffusion of a nanoparticle in adsorbing polymers. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2017, 8:2629.
(5) X.Z. Cao*, H. Merlitz, C.X. Wu, G. Ungar and J.U. Sommer A theoretical study of dispersion-to-aggregation of nanoparticles in adsorbing polymer using molecular dynamics simulations. Nanoscale, 2016, 8:6964.
(6) X.Z. Cao*, Z.G. Duan, J.S. Wang, Y.S. Liu, C.X. Wu Thin polymer-layer decorated, structure adjustable crystals of nanoparticles. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2015, 17:22533.
(7) X.Z. Cao, H. Merlitz*, C.X. Wu*, and J.U. Sommer Polymer induced inverse temperature crystallization of nanoparticles on a substrate. ACS Nano, 2013, 7:9920.
(8) X.Z. Cao, H. Merlitz*, C.X. Wu*, S.A. Egorov*, and J.U. Sommer Effective pair potentials between nanoparticles induced by single monomers and polymer chains. Soft Matter, 2013, 9:5916.
(9) X.Z. Cao, H. Merlitz*, C.X. Wu*, and J.U. Sommer Entropy dominated behaviors of confined polymer nanoparticle mixture. Chinese Physics B, 2012, 21:118202.
(10) X.Z. Cao, H. Merlitz*, C.X. Wu*, and J.U. Sommer Polymer induced entropic depletion potential. Physical Review E, 2011, 62:5360.
科研基金及项目 (1) PI, National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Grant No.11974291, 2020.01-2023.12  
(2) PI, The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, 2019.01-2021.12  
任教课程 General Physics; Polymer Physics; Material Physics
招生方向 荣誉奖励