ZHAN Huahan
Associate Professor
Physics Building,Room 406
Research AreasWide band-gap semiconductor, ZnO based semiconductors, low dimension optoelectronic materials and devices

Education&Work Experience
2003.09-present, Department of Physics, Associate Professor
2018.01-2019.01, Department of Mechanical and material engineering, Portland state University, OR, USA, visiting scholar
2011.06-2012.06, Department of Chemical and materials engineering, University of Auckland, New Zealand, visiting scholar,
2001.08-2003.08, COBRA institute, Technical University of Eindhoven, Netherlands, Postdoc 2000.05-2001.04, Department of Electrical, Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Waseda University, Japan, Research Assistant
1998.09-1999.10, Department of Physics, Hongkong University of Science and Technology, Visiting Scholar
1993.09-1998.07, Department of Physics, Xiamen University, Fujian, China, PhD
1990.08-1993.08, Assistant engineer of computer, Datian Power Company, Fujian, China
1986.09-1990.07, Department of Applied Physics, Chengdu University of Science and Technology, Sichuan, China, BSc

(1) Huahan Zhan; Bin Jiang; Otto Zietz; Samuel Olson; Jun Jiao*; Simulation to fabrication—understanding the effect of NiAuCu alloy catalysts for controlled growth of graphene at reduced temperature, Material Research Express, 2019, 7: 015603.
(2) Hui Yao; Qi Yao; Hao Wang; Yaping Wu; Yinghui Zhou; Huiqiong Wang; Xiaohang Chen; Huahan Zhan*; Shuping Li; Junyong Kang; Optoelectronic properties of MoS2/g-ZnO van der Waals heterostructure investigated by first-principle calculations, Journal of Electronic Materials, 2020, 2020.
(3) Qi Yao; Hui Yao; Hao Wang*; Huahan Zhan*; Yaping Wu; Yinghui Zhou; Xiaohang Chen; Huiqiong Wang; Junyong Kang; DFT Study of Structural and Electronic Properties of MgZnO Alloy, Journal of Electronic Mateirals, 2020, 2020.
(4) Hao Wang; Huahan Zhan*; Yinghui Zhou; Yaping Wu; Xiaohang Chen; Huiqiong Wang; Junyong Kang*; Effects of nitrogen dopants on the atomic step kinetics and electronic structures of O-polar ZnO , Nanoscale, 2016, 8:4381-4386.
(5) Meng Lv; Hao Wang; Yonggang Xu; Guolin Yu*; Huahan Zhang*; Tie Lin; Gujin Hu; Ning Dai; Junhao Chu; Long phase coherence length and anisotropic magneto resistance in MgZnO thin film, J. Appl. Phys, 2015, 117: 0-155304.

Natural Science Foundation of China, 61076084, Investigation of the MBE growth mechanism of ZnO on silicon substrate. 2011/01-2013/12, Accomplished
NSF of Fujian Province ,China, 2009J01267, Surface and Interface of ZnO based LED structural materials, 2009/03-2011/12, Accomplished

Seminars of semiconductor science and technology
General physics
University campus safety
Semiconductor science and technology
Laboratory safety