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ZHAN Huahan

Associate Professor

Physics Building,Room 406


Research AreasWide band-gap semiconductor, ZnO based semiconductors, low dimension optoelectronic materials and devices

Education&Work Experience
2003.09-present, Department of Physics, Associate Professor
2018.01-2019.01, Department of Mechanical and material engineering, Portland state University, OR, USA, visiting scholar
2011.06-2012.06, Department of Chemical and materials engineering, University of Auckland, New Zealand, visiting scholar,
2001.08-2003.08, COBRA institute, Technical University of Eindhoven, Netherlands, Postdoc 2000.05-2001.04, Department of Electrical, Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Waseda University, Japan, Research Assistant
1998.09-1999.10, Department of Physics, Hongkong University of Science and Technology, Visiting Scholar
1993.09-1998.07, Department of Physics, Xiamen University, Fujian, China, PhD
1990.08-1993.08, Assistant engineer of computer, Datian Power Company, Fujian, China
1986.09-1990.07, Department of Applied Physics, Chengdu University of Science and Technology, Sichuan, China, BSc
(1) Huahan Zhan; Bin Jiang; Otto Zietz; Samuel Olson; Jun Jiao*; Simulation to fabrication—understanding the effect of NiAuCu alloy catalysts for controlled growth of graphene at reduced temperature, Material Research Express, 2019, 7: 015603.
(2) Hui Yao; Qi Yao; Hao Wang; Yaping Wu; Yinghui Zhou; Huiqiong Wang; Xiaohang Chen; Huahan Zhan*; Shuping Li; Junyong Kang; Optoelectronic properties of MoS2/g-ZnO van der Waals heterostructure investigated by first-principle calculations, Journal of Electronic Materials, 2020, 2020.
(3) Qi Yao; Hui Yao; Hao Wang*; Huahan Zhan*; Yaping Wu; Yinghui Zhou; Xiaohang Chen; Huiqiong Wang; Junyong Kang; DFT Study of Structural and Electronic Properties of MgZnO Alloy, Journal of Electronic Mateirals, 2020, 2020.
(4) Hao Wang; Huahan Zhan*; Yinghui Zhou; Yaping Wu; Xiaohang Chen; Huiqiong Wang; Junyong Kang*; Effects of nitrogen dopants on the atomic step kinetics and electronic structures of O-polar ZnO , Nanoscale, 2016, 8:4381-4386.
(5) Meng Lv; Hao Wang; Yonggang Xu; Guolin Yu*; Huahan Zhang*; Tie Lin; Gujin Hu; Ning Dai; Junhao Chu; Long phase coherence length and anisotropic magneto resistance in MgZnO thin film, J. Appl. Phys, 2015, 117: 0-155304.
Natural Science Foundation of China, 61076084, Investigation of the MBE growth mechanism of ZnO on silicon substrate. 2011/01-2013/12, Accomplished  
NSF of Fujian Province ,China, 2009J01267, Surface and Interface of ZnO based LED structural materials, 2009/03-2011/12, Accomplished
Seminars of semiconductor science and technology
General physics
University campus safety
Semiconductor science and technology
Laboratory safety
姓名 ZHAN Huahan 职称职务 Associate Professor
邮箱 办公室 Physics Building,Room 406
电话 个人主页
其他信息 研究方向岗位职责 Wide band-gap semiconductor, ZnO based semiconductors, low dimension optoelectronic materials and devices
教育和工作经历 2003.09-present, Department of Physics, Associate Professor
2018.01-2019.01, Department of Mechanical and material engineering, Portland state University, OR, USA, visiting scholar
2011.06-2012.06, Department of Chemical and materials engineering, University of Auckland, New Zealand, visiting scholar,
2001.08-2003.08, COBRA institute, Technical University of Eindhoven, Netherlands, Postdoc 2000.05-2001.04, Department of Electrical, Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Waseda University, Japan, Research Assistant
1998.09-1999.10, Department of Physics, Hongkong University of Science and Technology, Visiting Scholar
1993.09-1998.07, Department of Physics, Xiamen University, Fujian, China, PhD
1990.08-1993.08, Assistant engineer of computer, Datian Power Company, Fujian, China
1986.09-1990.07, Department of Applied Physics, Chengdu University of Science and Technology, Sichuan, China, BSc
代表性文章或专著 (1) Huahan Zhan; Bin Jiang; Otto Zietz; Samuel Olson; Jun Jiao*; Simulation to fabrication—understanding the effect of NiAuCu alloy catalysts for controlled growth of graphene at reduced temperature, Material Research Express, 2019, 7: 015603.
(2) Hui Yao; Qi Yao; Hao Wang; Yaping Wu; Yinghui Zhou; Huiqiong Wang; Xiaohang Chen; Huahan Zhan*; Shuping Li; Junyong Kang; Optoelectronic properties of MoS2/g-ZnO van der Waals heterostructure investigated by first-principle calculations, Journal of Electronic Materials, 2020, 2020.
(3) Qi Yao; Hui Yao; Hao Wang*; Huahan Zhan*; Yaping Wu; Yinghui Zhou; Xiaohang Chen; Huiqiong Wang; Junyong Kang; DFT Study of Structural and Electronic Properties of MgZnO Alloy, Journal of Electronic Mateirals, 2020, 2020.
(4) Hao Wang; Huahan Zhan*; Yinghui Zhou; Yaping Wu; Xiaohang Chen; Huiqiong Wang; Junyong Kang*; Effects of nitrogen dopants on the atomic step kinetics and electronic structures of O-polar ZnO , Nanoscale, 2016, 8:4381-4386.
(5) Meng Lv; Hao Wang; Yonggang Xu; Guolin Yu*; Huahan Zhang*; Tie Lin; Gujin Hu; Ning Dai; Junhao Chu; Long phase coherence length and anisotropic magneto resistance in MgZnO thin film, J. Appl. Phys, 2015, 117: 0-155304.
科研基金及项目 Natural Science Foundation of China, 61076084, Investigation of the MBE growth mechanism of ZnO on silicon substrate. 2011/01-2013/12, Accomplished  
NSF of Fujian Province ,China, 2009J01267, Surface and Interface of ZnO based LED structural materials, 2009/03-2011/12, Accomplished
任教课程 Seminars of semiconductor science and technology
General physics
University campus safety
Semiconductor science and technology
Laboratory safety
招生方向 荣誉奖励