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Associate Professor

Room 555


Research Areasnonequilibrium statistical physics, heat conduction in low dimensional models, theoretical machine learning

Education&Work Experience
2007- Present, Associate Prof., Department of Physics, Xiamen Univ., China;
2004 - 2007, Post-doc, the Centre for Nonlinear Studies, Hong Kong Baptist Univ., Hong Kong;
2004, Ph.D, Department of Physics, Lanzhou Univ., China;
2001, M.S., Department of Physics, Lanzhou Univ., China;
1998, B.S., Department of Physics, Lanzhou Univ., China;
Wave-turbulence origin of the instability of Anderson localization against many-body interactions, Z. Wang, W. Fu, Y. Zhang, and H. Zhao, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 186401 (2020).
Nonintegrability and thermalization of one-dimensional diatomic lattices, W. Fu, Y. Zhang, H. Zhao, Physical Review E 100, 052102 (2019).
Universal scaling of the thermalization time in one-dimensional lattices, W. Fu, Y. Zhang, H. Zhao, Physical Review E 100, 010101 (2019).
Universal law of thermalization for one-dimensional perturbed Toda lattices, W. Fu, Y. Zhang, H. Zhao, New Journal of Physics 21, 043009 (2019).
One-dimensional superdiffusive heat propagation induced by optical phonon-phonon interactions, D. Xiong, Y. Zhang, Physical Review E 98, 012130 (2018).
Symmetry blockade and its breakdown in energy equipartition of square graphene resonators, Y. Wang, Z. Zhu, Y. Zhang, L. Huang, Applied Physics Letters 112, 111910 (2018)
Non-Gaussian normal diffusion induced by delocalization, J. Wang, Y. Zhang, H. Zhao, Physical Review E 93, 032144 (2016)
Introduction to Scientific Computing
Machine Learning
Nonlinear Dynamics
Atomic Physics
姓名 ZHANG Yong 职称职务 Associate Professor
邮箱 办公室 Room 555
电话 个人主页
其他信息 研究方向岗位职责 nonequilibrium statistical physics, heat conduction in low dimensional models, theoretical machine learning
教育和工作经历 2007- Present, Associate Prof., Department of Physics, Xiamen Univ., China;
2004 - 2007, Post-doc, the Centre for Nonlinear Studies, Hong Kong Baptist Univ., Hong Kong;
2004, Ph.D, Department of Physics, Lanzhou Univ., China;
2001, M.S., Department of Physics, Lanzhou Univ., China;
1998, B.S., Department of Physics, Lanzhou Univ., China;
代表性文章或专著 Wave-turbulence origin of the instability of Anderson localization against many-body interactions, Z. Wang, W. Fu, Y. Zhang, and H. Zhao, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 186401 (2020).
Nonintegrability and thermalization of one-dimensional diatomic lattices, W. Fu, Y. Zhang, H. Zhao, Physical Review E 100, 052102 (2019).
Universal scaling of the thermalization time in one-dimensional lattices, W. Fu, Y. Zhang, H. Zhao, Physical Review E 100, 010101 (2019).
Universal law of thermalization for one-dimensional perturbed Toda lattices, W. Fu, Y. Zhang, H. Zhao, New Journal of Physics 21, 043009 (2019).
One-dimensional superdiffusive heat propagation induced by optical phonon-phonon interactions, D. Xiong, Y. Zhang, Physical Review E 98, 012130 (2018).
Symmetry blockade and its breakdown in energy equipartition of square graphene resonators, Y. Wang, Z. Zhu, Y. Zhang, L. Huang, Applied Physics Letters 112, 111910 (2018)
Non-Gaussian normal diffusion induced by delocalization, J. Wang, Y. Zhang, H. Zhao, Physical Review E 93, 032144 (2016)
科研基金及项目 任教课程 Introduction to Scientific Computing
Machine Learning
Nonlinear Dynamics
Atomic Physics
招生方向 荣誉奖励