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Department of physics 304


Research AreasMicrocavity photonics, Cavity QED, Optics of nanomaterial, Nano-lasers

Education&Work Experience
2021.12~  professor, Department of Physics, Xiamen University, China.
2015~2020 Postdoc, Department of Physics, University of Michigan, U.S.A.  
2015 Ph.D, Department of Physics, Fudan University, China.
2010 B.S., Department of Physics, Qufu Normal University, China.  
1.Long Zhang, Fengcheng Wu, Shaocong Hou, Zhe Zhang, Yu-Sun Chou, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Stephen R. Forrest, and Hui Deng* . Van der Waals Heterostructure Polaritons with Moiré-induced Nonlinearity. Nature 591:61-65 (2021).
2.Eunice Y. Paik#, Long Zhang#, G. William Burg, Rahul Gogna, Emanuel Tutuc, and Hui Deng*. Spatially Coherent Interlayer Exciton Lasing in an Atomically-Thin Heterostructure. Nature 576, 80-84 (2019).
3.Long Zhang; Hui Deng*; Flatland, lineland and dotland, Nature Materials, 2020, 19(10): 1044-1045.    
4.Long Zhang, Fengcheng Wu*, Danqing Wang, Rahul Gogna, Shaocong Hou, Takashi Taniguchi, Krishnamurthy Kulkarni, Thomas Kuo, Stephen R. Forrest, and Hui Deng*. Twist angle dependence of Moiré excitons in WS2/MoSe2 heterobilayer. Nature Communications, 11 (1), 5888 (2020).
5.Long Zhang, Rahul Gogna, Will Burg, Emanuel Tutuc and Hui Deng*, Photonic-Crystal Exciton-Polaritons in Monolayer Semiconductors. Nature Communications, 9 (1), 713 (2018).
6.Long Zhang#, Wei Xie#, Xuechu Shen, Alexander Poddubny*, Yuri G. Rubo*, Boris L. Altshuler, Alexey V. Kavokin, and Zhanghai Chen*, Weak lasing in one-dimensional polariton superlattices. PNAS, 112 (13), E1516–E1519 (2015).  
7.Long Zhang*, Rahul Gogna, Will Burg, Jason Horng, Eunice Y. Paik, Emanuel Tutuc and Hui Deng*, High Degree of Valley-Polarization from Interlayer Excitons in van der Waals Heterostructure. Physical Review B (Rapid Communications) 100, 041402 (2019).
姓名 ZHANG Long 职称职务 Professor
邮箱 办公室 Department of physics 304
电话 个人主页
其他信息 研究方向岗位职责 Microcavity photonics, Cavity QED, Optics of nanomaterial, Nano-lasers
教育和工作经历 2021.12~  professor, Department of Physics, Xiamen University, China.
2015~2020 Postdoc, Department of Physics, University of Michigan, U.S.A.  
2015 Ph.D, Department of Physics, Fudan University, China.
2010 B.S., Department of Physics, Qufu Normal University, China.  
代表性文章或专著 1.Long Zhang, Fengcheng Wu, Shaocong Hou, Zhe Zhang, Yu-Sun Chou, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Stephen R. Forrest, and Hui Deng* . Van der Waals Heterostructure Polaritons with Moiré-induced Nonlinearity. Nature 591:61-65 (2021).
2.Eunice Y. Paik#, Long Zhang#, G. William Burg, Rahul Gogna, Emanuel Tutuc, and Hui Deng*. Spatially Coherent Interlayer Exciton Lasing in an Atomically-Thin Heterostructure. Nature 576, 80-84 (2019).
3.Long Zhang; Hui Deng*; Flatland, lineland and dotland, Nature Materials, 2020, 19(10): 1044-1045.    
4.Long Zhang, Fengcheng Wu*, Danqing Wang, Rahul Gogna, Shaocong Hou, Takashi Taniguchi, Krishnamurthy Kulkarni, Thomas Kuo, Stephen R. Forrest, and Hui Deng*. Twist angle dependence of Moiré excitons in WS2/MoSe2 heterobilayer. Nature Communications, 11 (1), 5888 (2020).
5.Long Zhang, Rahul Gogna, Will Burg, Emanuel Tutuc and Hui Deng*, Photonic-Crystal Exciton-Polaritons in Monolayer Semiconductors. Nature Communications, 9 (1), 713 (2018).
6.Long Zhang#, Wei Xie#, Xuechu Shen, Alexander Poddubny*, Yuri G. Rubo*, Boris L. Altshuler, Alexey V. Kavokin, and Zhanghai Chen*, Weak lasing in one-dimensional polariton superlattices. PNAS, 112 (13), E1516–E1519 (2015).  
7.Long Zhang*, Rahul Gogna, Will Burg, Jason Horng, Eunice Y. Paik, Emanuel Tutuc and Hui Deng*, High Degree of Valley-Polarization from Interlayer Excitons in van der Waals Heterostructure. Physical Review B (Rapid Communications) 100, 041402 (2019).
科研基金及项目 任教课程
招生方向 荣誉奖励