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CAI Weiwei


Room 447


Research AreasResearch Interests 1. Graphene Growth and Applications Graphene is a promising advanced material for broad applications in integrated circuits, radio frequency transistor, composite materials, transparent conducting electrodes and energy storage. Although graphene, particularly the electron transport property in graphene, has been widely studied, synthesis, thermal property and application are still challenging. My research group focuse on the synthesis of monolayer and multilayer graphene by chemical vapor deposition(CVD) on metals; thermal and electron transport characterization; doping effect of metal deposition on graphene; applications in gas sensor and transparent conducting electrodes. 2. 2D Semiconductor Materials. 2D semiconductor is a type of natural semiconductor with thicknesses on the atomic scale. The rising research attention towards 2D semiconductors started with a discovery by Geim and Novoselov et al. in 2004. My research group focuse on the synthesis and applications of transition metal dichalcogenides and hexagonal boron nitride by molecule beam epitaxy (MBE) and CVD.

Education&Work Experience
Education & Work Experience
09/1998 - 07/2002 B. S.
Physics Department, Xiamen University
09/2002 - 09/2007 Ph. D.
Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science
12/2006 - 09/2007 Visiting Scholar
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University
09/2007 – 10/2010 Postdoctor
Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin
10/2010 – now Full professor
Physics Department, Xiamen University
Selected Publications
1. Cai, W. W.; Piner, R. D.; Stadermann, F. J.; Park, S.; Shaibat, M. A.; Ishii, Y.; Yang, D. X.; Velamakanni, A.; An, S. J.; Stoller, M.; An, J. H.; Chen, D. M.; Ruoff, R. S., Synthesis and solid-state NMR structural characterization of C-13-labeled graphite oxide. Science (2008) 321, 1815-1817.
2. Li X. S.; Cai W. W.; An, J. H.; Kim S. Y.; Nah J.; Yang D. X.; Piner D. R.; Velamakanni A.; Jung I.; Tutuc E.; Banerjee S. K.; Colombo L.; Ruoff R. S., Large-Area Synthesis of High-Quality and Uniform Graphene Films on Copper Foils. Science (2009) 324, 1312-1314.
3. Cai, W. W., et al., Thermal Transport in Suspended and Supported Monolayer Graphene Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition. Nano Letters, (2010) 10, 1645-1651.
4. Ren, Y. J.; Chen, S. S.; Cai, W. W.*; Zhu, Y. W.; Zhu C. F.; Ruoff, S. R., Controlling the electrical transport properties of graphene by in situ metal deposition. Applied Physics Letters, (2010) 97, 053107.
5. Chen, S. S.; Cai, W. W.*; Chen, D.; Ren, Y. J.; Li, X. S.; Zhu Y. W.; Ruoff S. R., Adsorption/desorption and electrically controlled flipping of ammonia molecules on graphene., New Journal of Physics (2010) 12, 125011
6. Cai, W. W.; Pang, F.; Wang, J.; Liu, H.; Liang, X. J.; Xue, Q. K.; Chen, D. M., Ultrahigh vacuum, variable temperature, dual scanning tunneling microscope system operating under high magnetic field. Review of Scientific Instruments (2007) 78, 065108
7. Cai, W. W.; Zhu, Y. W.; Li, X. S.; Piner, R. D.; Ruoff, R. S., Large area few-layer graphene/graphite films as transpancy conducting electrode. Applied Physics Letters, 2009. 95(12).
8. Cai, W. W.*; Piner, R. D.; Li, X. S.; Zhu, Y. W.; An, J. H.; Tan, Z. B.; Yang, C. L.; Li, L.; Ruoff, R. S., Synthesis of isotopic graphite films by cold-wall CVD. Nano Research. (2009) 2 851-856.
9. Chen, S. S.; Cai, W. W.*; Piner, R. D.; Suk, J. W.; Wu, Y. P.; Ren, Y. J.; Kang, J. Y.; Ruoff, R. S., Synthesis and characterization of large-area graphene and graphite films on commercial Cu-Ni alloy foils. Nano Letters. (2011) 11, 3159-25
10. Chen, S. S.; Wu, Q. Z.; Mishra, C.; Kang, J. Y.; Zhang, H. J.; Cho, K. J.; Cai, W. W.*; Baladin, A. A.*; Ruoff, R. S. Thermal conductivity of isotopically modified graphene. Nature Materials (2012)11, 203.
11. Zhu, Y. W.; Murali, S.; Stoller, M. D.; Ganesh, K. J.; Cai, W. W.; Ferreira, P. J.; Pirkle, A.; Wallance, R. M.; Cychosz, K. A.; Thommes, M.; Su, D.; Stach, E. A.; Rodney, S. R. Carbon –Based Supercapacitors Produced by Activation of Graphene. Science, (2011) 332, 1537.
12. Chen S. S., Li Q. Y., Zhang Q. M., Ou Y., Ji H. X., Rodney, S. R., Cai, W. W.* Thermal conductivity measurements of suspended graphene with and without wrinkles by micro-Raman mapping. Nanotechnology 23 (2012) 365701
13. Chen S. S., Ji H. X., Chou H., Li Q. Y., Li H. Y., Suk J. W., Piner R., Liao L., Cai W. W.* Ruoff R. S.* Millimeter-Size Single-Crystal Graphene by Suppressing Evaporative Loss of Cu During Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition. Advanced Materials. (2013), 25, 2062-2065
14. Li Q. Y., Chou H., Zhong J. H., Liu J. Y., Doloca A., Zhang J. Y., Zhou Y. H., Ruoff R. S. Chen S. S., Cai W. W.* Growth of adlayer graphene on Cu studied by carbon isotope labeling. Nano Letters. (2013) 13, 486-490
15. Zhao Z. J., Shan Z. F., Zhang C. K., Li Q. Y., Tian B., Huang Z. Y., Lin W. Y., Chen X. P., Ji H. X.* Zhang W. F., Cai W. W.* Study on the Diffusion Mechanism of Graphene Grown on Copper Pockets. Small. (2015) 11, 1418-1422
16. Shan Z. F., Li Q. Y., Zhao Z. J., Wang Z. Z., Wu Y. Q., Cai W. W.* One-step transfer and doping of large area graphene by ultraviolet curing adhesive. Carbon. (2015) 84, 9-13
17. Lin W. Y., Tian B., Zhuang P. P., Yin J., Zhang C. K., Li Q. Y., Shih T., Cai W. W.* Graphene-Based Fluorescence-Quenching-Related Fermi Level Elevation and Electron-Concentration Surge Nano Letters. (2016) 5737-5741
18. Zhuang P. P., Lin W. Y., Tian B., Zhang C. K., Zhao Z. J., Shih T., Cai W. W.* Atomic-concentration diffusion governing integrated-territory graphene syntheses at catalyst-insulator interfaces Carbon. (2016) 102, 403-408
19. Wan W., Li X. D., Li X. T., Xu B. B., Zhan L. J., Zhao Z. J., Zhang P. C., Wu S. Q., Zhu Z. Z., Huang H., Zhou Y. H., Cai W. W.* Interlayer coupling of a direct van der Waals epitaxial MoS2/graphene heterostructure RSC Advances (2016) 6, 323-330
20. Zhao Z. J., Chen, X. P., Zhang, C. K., Wan W., Shan Z. F., Tian B., Li Q. Y., Hao Y., Zhuang P. P., Kaner R. B., Cai W. W.* An etching phenomenon exhibited by chemical vapor deposited graphene on a copper pocket. Carbon. (2016) 106, 279-283
21. Zhao Z. J., Jia K. P., Shaw J. C., Zhu Z. W., Wan W., Zhan L. J., Li M. P., Wang H. S., Chen X. P., Li Z. C., Chen S. S., Zhou Y. H., Kaner R. B., Cai W. W.* Synthesis of sub-millimeter Bi-/multi-layer graphene by designing a sandwiched structure using copper foils. Appl. Phys. Lett. (2016) 109, 123107
22. Wan W., Zhan L. J., Xu B. B., Zhao F., Zhu Z. W., Zhou Y. H., Yang Z. L., Shih T., Cai W. W.* Temperature-Related Morphological Evolution of MoS2 Domains on Graphene and Electron Transfer within Heterostructures. Small. (2017), 13, 1603549
23. Lin W. Y., Zhuang P. P., Tian B., Liu T., Zhang C. K., Shih T., Cai W. W.* An ion-migration and electron-transfer cycle containing graphene and copper substrate analyzed with Raman spectra. Carbon. (2017), 116, 15-19
24. Zhan L. J., Wan W., Zhu Z. W., Xu Y. X., Shih T., Zhang C. K., Lin W. Y., Li X. T., Zhao Z. J., Ying H., Yao Q., Zheng Y. T., Zhu Z. Z., Cai W. W.* Centimeter-Scale Nearly Single-Crystal Monolayer MoS2 via Self-Limiting Vapor Deposition Epitaxy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. (2017), 121, 4703-4707
25. Zhan L. J., Wan W., Zhu Z. W., Zhao Z. J., Shih T., Cai W. W.* A visualization method for probing grain boundaries of single layer graphene via molecular beam epitaxy. Nanotechnology 28 (2017) 305601
26. Zhu Z. W., Zhan L. J., Wan W., Zhao Z. J., Shih T., Cai W. W.* Capabilities of transition metals in retarding the bonding of carbon atoms to minimize dendritic graphene. Nanoscale (2017) 14804-14808
27. Zhuang P. P., Lin W. Y., Xu B. B., Cai W. W.* Oxygen-assisted synthesis of hexagonal boron nitride films for graphene transistors. Appl. Phys. Lett. (2017) 111, 203103
31. Zhuang P. P., Lin W. Y., Tian B., Shih T., Cai W. W.* Ultraviolet-light-induced electron transfer between chlorine anions and graphene. Carbon 123 (2017) 380-384
28. Wan W., Chen L., Zhan L. J., Zhu Z. W., Zhou Y. H., Shih T., Guo S. S., Kang J. Y., Huang H., Cai W. W.*, Syntheses and bandgap alterations of MoS2 induced by stresses in graphene-platinum substrates. Carbon 131 (2018) 26-30
29. Tian B., Lin W. Y., Zhuang P. P., Li J. Z., Shih T., Cai W. W.* Magnetically-induced alignment of graphene via Landau diamagnetism. Carbon 131 (2018) 66-71
30. Zhu Z. W., Zhan L. J., Shih T., Wan W., Lu J., Huang J. J., Guo S. S., Zhou Y. H., Cai W. W.*, Critical Annealing Temperature for Stacking Orientation of Bilayer Graphene. Small (2018) 14 1802498
31. Zhuang P. P., Lin W. Y., Chou H., Roy A., Cai W. W.*, Banerjee S. K.*, Growth of lateral graphene/h-BN heterostructure on copper foils by chemical vapor deposition. Nanotechnology (2019) 30 03LT01
32. Li Q. Y., Shih T., Cai, W. W.* Syntheses of large-size single crystal graphene: A review of recent developments. Surface Reivew and Letters. (2019) 26 1830007
姓名 CAI Weiwei 职称职务 Professor
邮箱 办公室 Room 447
电话 个人主页
其他信息 研究方向岗位职责 Research Interests
1. Graphene Growth and Applications
Graphene is a promising advanced material for broad applications in integrated circuits, radio frequency transistor, composite materials, transparent conducting electrodes and energy storage. Although graphene, particularly the electron transport property in graphene, has been widely studied, synthesis, thermal property and application are still challenging. My research group focuse on the synthesis of monolayer and multilayer graphene by chemical vapor deposition(CVD) on metals; thermal and electron transport characterization; doping effect of metal deposition on graphene; applications in gas sensor and transparent conducting electrodes.
2. 2D Semiconductor Materials.
2D semiconductor is a type of natural semiconductor with thicknesses on the atomic scale. The rising research attention towards 2D semiconductors started with a discovery by Geim and Novoselov et al. in 2004. My research group focuse on the synthesis and applications of transition metal dichalcogenides and hexagonal boron nitride by molecule beam epitaxy (MBE) and CVD.
教育和工作经历 Education & Work Experience
09/1998 - 07/2002 B. S.
Physics Department, Xiamen University
09/2002 - 09/2007 Ph. D.
Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science
12/2006 - 09/2007 Visiting Scholar
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University
09/2007 – 10/2010 Postdoctor
Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin
10/2010 – now Full professor
Physics Department, Xiamen University
代表性文章或专著 Selected Publications
1. Cai, W. W.; Piner, R. D.; Stadermann, F. J.; Park, S.; Shaibat, M. A.; Ishii, Y.; Yang, D. X.; Velamakanni, A.; An, S. J.; Stoller, M.; An, J. H.; Chen, D. M.; Ruoff, R. S., Synthesis and solid-state NMR structural characterization of C-13-labeled graphite oxide. Science (2008) 321, 1815-1817.
2. Li X. S.; Cai W. W.; An, J. H.; Kim S. Y.; Nah J.; Yang D. X.; Piner D. R.; Velamakanni A.; Jung I.; Tutuc E.; Banerjee S. K.; Colombo L.; Ruoff R. S., Large-Area Synthesis of High-Quality and Uniform Graphene Films on Copper Foils. Science (2009) 324, 1312-1314.
3. Cai, W. W., et al., Thermal Transport in Suspended and Supported Monolayer Graphene Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition. Nano Letters, (2010) 10, 1645-1651.
4. Ren, Y. J.; Chen, S. S.; Cai, W. W.*; Zhu, Y. W.; Zhu C. F.; Ruoff, S. R., Controlling the electrical transport properties of graphene by in situ metal deposition. Applied Physics Letters, (2010) 97, 053107.
5. Chen, S. S.; Cai, W. W.*; Chen, D.; Ren, Y. J.; Li, X. S.; Zhu Y. W.; Ruoff S. R., Adsorption/desorption and electrically controlled flipping of ammonia molecules on graphene., New Journal of Physics (2010) 12, 125011
6. Cai, W. W.; Pang, F.; Wang, J.; Liu, H.; Liang, X. J.; Xue, Q. K.; Chen, D. M., Ultrahigh vacuum, variable temperature, dual scanning tunneling microscope system operating under high magnetic field. Review of Scientific Instruments (2007) 78, 065108
7. Cai, W. W.; Zhu, Y. W.; Li, X. S.; Piner, R. D.; Ruoff, R. S., Large area few-layer graphene/graphite films as transpancy conducting electrode. Applied Physics Letters, 2009. 95(12).
8. Cai, W. W.*; Piner, R. D.; Li, X. S.; Zhu, Y. W.; An, J. H.; Tan, Z. B.; Yang, C. L.; Li, L.; Ruoff, R. S., Synthesis of isotopic graphite films by cold-wall CVD. Nano Research. (2009) 2 851-856.
9. Chen, S. S.; Cai, W. W.*; Piner, R. D.; Suk, J. W.; Wu, Y. P.; Ren, Y. J.; Kang, J. Y.; Ruoff, R. S., Synthesis and characterization of large-area graphene and graphite films on commercial Cu-Ni alloy foils. Nano Letters. (2011) 11, 3159-25
10. Chen, S. S.; Wu, Q. Z.; Mishra, C.; Kang, J. Y.; Zhang, H. J.; Cho, K. J.; Cai, W. W.*; Baladin, A. A.*; Ruoff, R. S. Thermal conductivity of isotopically modified graphene. Nature Materials (2012)11, 203.
11. Zhu, Y. W.; Murali, S.; Stoller, M. D.; Ganesh, K. J.; Cai, W. W.; Ferreira, P. J.; Pirkle, A.; Wallance, R. M.; Cychosz, K. A.; Thommes, M.; Su, D.; Stach, E. A.; Rodney, S. R. Carbon –Based Supercapacitors Produced by Activation of Graphene. Science, (2011) 332, 1537.
12. Chen S. S., Li Q. Y., Zhang Q. M., Ou Y., Ji H. X., Rodney, S. R., Cai, W. W.* Thermal conductivity measurements of suspended graphene with and without wrinkles by micro-Raman mapping. Nanotechnology 23 (2012) 365701
13. Chen S. S., Ji H. X., Chou H., Li Q. Y., Li H. Y., Suk J. W., Piner R., Liao L., Cai W. W.* Ruoff R. S.* Millimeter-Size Single-Crystal Graphene by Suppressing Evaporative Loss of Cu During Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition. Advanced Materials. (2013), 25, 2062-2065
14. Li Q. Y., Chou H., Zhong J. H., Liu J. Y., Doloca A., Zhang J. Y., Zhou Y. H., Ruoff R. S. Chen S. S., Cai W. W.* Growth of adlayer graphene on Cu studied by carbon isotope labeling. Nano Letters. (2013) 13, 486-490
15. Zhao Z. J., Shan Z. F., Zhang C. K., Li Q. Y., Tian B., Huang Z. Y., Lin W. Y., Chen X. P., Ji H. X.* Zhang W. F., Cai W. W.* Study on the Diffusion Mechanism of Graphene Grown on Copper Pockets. Small. (2015) 11, 1418-1422
16. Shan Z. F., Li Q. Y., Zhao Z. J., Wang Z. Z., Wu Y. Q., Cai W. W.* One-step transfer and doping of large area graphene by ultraviolet curing adhesive. Carbon. (2015) 84, 9-13
17. Lin W. Y., Tian B., Zhuang P. P., Yin J., Zhang C. K., Li Q. Y., Shih T., Cai W. W.* Graphene-Based Fluorescence-Quenching-Related Fermi Level Elevation and Electron-Concentration Surge Nano Letters. (2016) 5737-5741
18. Zhuang P. P., Lin W. Y., Tian B., Zhang C. K., Zhao Z. J., Shih T., Cai W. W.* Atomic-concentration diffusion governing integrated-territory graphene syntheses at catalyst-insulator interfaces Carbon. (2016) 102, 403-408
19. Wan W., Li X. D., Li X. T., Xu B. B., Zhan L. J., Zhao Z. J., Zhang P. C., Wu S. Q., Zhu Z. Z., Huang H., Zhou Y. H., Cai W. W.* Interlayer coupling of a direct van der Waals epitaxial MoS2/graphene heterostructure RSC Advances (2016) 6, 323-330
20. Zhao Z. J., Chen, X. P., Zhang, C. K., Wan W., Shan Z. F., Tian B., Li Q. Y., Hao Y., Zhuang P. P., Kaner R. B., Cai W. W.* An etching phenomenon exhibited by chemical vapor deposited graphene on a copper pocket. Carbon. (2016) 106, 279-283
21. Zhao Z. J., Jia K. P., Shaw J. C., Zhu Z. W., Wan W., Zhan L. J., Li M. P., Wang H. S., Chen X. P., Li Z. C., Chen S. S., Zhou Y. H., Kaner R. B., Cai W. W.* Synthesis of sub-millimeter Bi-/multi-layer graphene by designing a sandwiched structure using copper foils. Appl. Phys. Lett. (2016) 109, 123107
22. Wan W., Zhan L. J., Xu B. B., Zhao F., Zhu Z. W., Zhou Y. H., Yang Z. L., Shih T., Cai W. W.* Temperature-Related Morphological Evolution of MoS2 Domains on Graphene and Electron Transfer within Heterostructures. Small. (2017), 13, 1603549
23. Lin W. Y., Zhuang P. P., Tian B., Liu T., Zhang C. K., Shih T., Cai W. W.* An ion-migration and electron-transfer cycle containing graphene and copper substrate analyzed with Raman spectra. Carbon. (2017), 116, 15-19
24. Zhan L. J., Wan W., Zhu Z. W., Xu Y. X., Shih T., Zhang C. K., Lin W. Y., Li X. T., Zhao Z. J., Ying H., Yao Q., Zheng Y. T., Zhu Z. Z., Cai W. W.* Centimeter-Scale Nearly Single-Crystal Monolayer MoS2 via Self-Limiting Vapor Deposition Epitaxy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. (2017), 121, 4703-4707
25. Zhan L. J., Wan W., Zhu Z. W., Zhao Z. J., Shih T., Cai W. W.* A visualization method for probing grain boundaries of single layer graphene via molecular beam epitaxy. Nanotechnology 28 (2017) 305601
26. Zhu Z. W., Zhan L. J., Wan W., Zhao Z. J., Shih T., Cai W. W.* Capabilities of transition metals in retarding the bonding of carbon atoms to minimize dendritic graphene. Nanoscale (2017) 14804-14808
27. Zhuang P. P., Lin W. Y., Xu B. B., Cai W. W.* Oxygen-assisted synthesis of hexagonal boron nitride films for graphene transistors. Appl. Phys. Lett. (2017) 111, 203103
31. Zhuang P. P., Lin W. Y., Tian B., Shih T., Cai W. W.* Ultraviolet-light-induced electron transfer between chlorine anions and graphene. Carbon 123 (2017) 380-384
28. Wan W., Chen L., Zhan L. J., Zhu Z. W., Zhou Y. H., Shih T., Guo S. S., Kang J. Y., Huang H., Cai W. W.*, Syntheses and bandgap alterations of MoS2 induced by stresses in graphene-platinum substrates. Carbon 131 (2018) 26-30
29. Tian B., Lin W. Y., Zhuang P. P., Li J. Z., Shih T., Cai W. W.* Magnetically-induced alignment of graphene via Landau diamagnetism. Carbon 131 (2018) 66-71
30. Zhu Z. W., Zhan L. J., Shih T., Wan W., Lu J., Huang J. J., Guo S. S., Zhou Y. H., Cai W. W.*, Critical Annealing Temperature for Stacking Orientation of Bilayer Graphene. Small (2018) 14 1802498
31. Zhuang P. P., Lin W. Y., Chou H., Roy A., Cai W. W.*, Banerjee S. K.*, Growth of lateral graphene/h-BN heterostructure on copper foils by chemical vapor deposition. Nanotechnology (2019) 30 03LT01
32. Li Q. Y., Shih T., Cai, W. W.* Syntheses of large-size single crystal graphene: A review of recent developments. Surface Reivew and Letters. (2019) 26 1830007
科研基金及项目 任教课程
招生方向 荣誉奖励