Room 445
Research AreasLEDs, DUV photodetectors, surface plasmons

Education&Work Experience
2016-now,Department of Physics, Xiamen University,Professor
2011-2016,Department of Physics, Xiamen University,Associate Professor
2014-2015,UT Austin,Visiting Scholar
2007-2011,Department of Physics, Xiamen University,Assistant Professor
2002-2007,Department of Physics, Nanjing University,PH. D
1998-2002,Department of Physics, Nanjing University,B. S.

1. Peak splitting and locking behavior arising from Fano interference between localized surface plasmons and cavity modes, Physical Review B, 99, 125420, 2019
2. Integral Monolayer-Scale Featured Digital-Alloyed AlN/GaN Superlattices Using Hierarchical Growth Units. Crystal Growth & Design, 19, 1720-1727, 2019
3. Quantum state engineering with ultra-short-period (AlN)m/(GaN)n superlattices for narrowband deep-ultraviolet detection. Nanoscale, 6: 14733-14739,2014
4. Top- and bottom-emission-enhanced electroluminescence of deep-UV light-emitting diodes induced by localised surface plasmons.Scientific Reports, 4: 4380 2014
5. Surface-plasmon-enhanced deep-UV light emitting diodes based on AlGaN multi-quantum wells.Scientific Reports, 2: 816 2012

Device physics in wide bandgap semiconductor APD and new structure devices.
The Photon behavior and modulation in the systems with high refractive index /multiple optical interface.
The mechanism and application investigations of asymmetric light reflectance effects.

College Physics