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Room 219


Research AreasQuantum physics, nuclear physics, radio physics, new energy, modern physics experiments techlogy, virtual instrument technology, network application

Education&Work Experience
2017.9-Present   Professor, College of Physical Science and Technology, Xiamen University
2002.12-2017.8   Professor, School of Physics and Electrical and Mechanical Engineering,  Xiamen University
1994.12-2002.12  Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Xiamen University
1992.4-1994.11 Lecturer, Department of Physics, Xiamen University
1986.9-1992.3   Ph.D., Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
1981.9-1986.8   Bachelor of Science, Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China
1. Liwei Zhao; Wenda Huang. Pattern recognition based on the measurements of low-frequency electromagnetic radiation. 2nd International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security and Identification, ASID 2008, p.76-78.
2. HUANG Wen-da. Multi-channel analyzer controlled by applet and flash. Nuclear science and techniques, 2002, 13(4):202-204.
Responsible for or participated in 10 projects.
1.Research and development of MEMS based piezoelectric accelerometer and its pilot test (participation). Major scientific and technological project of university-industry cooperation in Fujian Province
2.“Establishment of a Universal Remote Experiment System Based on Internet”,Fujian Natural Science Foundation
3.Establishment of remote gamma-ray spectrum experimental system based on internet,Fujian Natural Science Foundation
Modern physics experiments
University physics experiments
Network application and virtual instrument design
姓名 HUANG Wenda 职称职务 Professor
邮箱 办公室 Room 219
电话 个人主页
其他信息 研究方向岗位职责 Quantum physics, nuclear physics, radio physics, new energy, modern physics experiments techlogy, virtual instrument technology, network application
教育和工作经历 2017.9-Present   Professor, College of Physical Science and Technology, Xiamen University
2002.12-2017.8   Professor, School of Physics and Electrical and Mechanical Engineering,  Xiamen University
1994.12-2002.12  Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Xiamen University
1992.4-1994.11 Lecturer, Department of Physics, Xiamen University
1986.9-1992.3   Ph.D., Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
1981.9-1986.8   Bachelor of Science, Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China
代表性文章或专著 1. Liwei Zhao; Wenda Huang. Pattern recognition based on the measurements of low-frequency electromagnetic radiation. 2nd International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security and Identification, ASID 2008, p.76-78.
2. HUANG Wen-da. Multi-channel analyzer controlled by applet and flash. Nuclear science and techniques, 2002, 13(4):202-204.
科研基金及项目 Responsible for or participated in 10 projects.
1.Research and development of MEMS based piezoelectric accelerometer and its pilot test (participation). Major scientific and technological project of university-industry cooperation in Fujian Province
2.“Establishment of a Universal Remote Experiment System Based on Internet”,Fujian Natural Science Foundation
3.Establishment of remote gamma-ray spectrum experimental system based on internet,Fujian Natural Science Foundation
任教课程 Modern physics experiments
University physics experiments
Network application and virtual instrument design
招生方向 荣誉奖励