Room 219
Research AreasQuantum physics, nuclear physics, radio physics, new energy, modern physics experiments techlogy, virtual instrument technology, network application

Education&Work Experience
2017.9-Present Professor, College of Physical Science and Technology, Xiamen University
2002.12-2017.8 Professor, School of Physics and Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Xiamen University
1994.12-2002.12 Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Xiamen University
1992.4-1994.11 Lecturer, Department of Physics, Xiamen University
1986.9-1992.3 Ph.D., Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
1981.9-1986.8 Bachelor of Science, Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China

1. Liwei Zhao; Wenda Huang. Pattern recognition based on the measurements of low-frequency electromagnetic radiation. 2nd International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security and Identification, ASID 2008, p.76-78.
2. HUANG Wen-da. Multi-channel analyzer controlled by applet and flash. Nuclear science and techniques, 2002, 13(4):202-204.

Responsible for or participated in 10 projects.
1.Research and development of MEMS based piezoelectric accelerometer and its pilot test (participation). Major scientific and technological project of university-industry cooperation in Fujian Province
2.“Establishment of a Universal Remote Experiment System Based on Internet”,Fujian Natural Science Foundation
3.Establishment of remote gamma-ray spectrum experimental system based on internet,Fujian Natural Science Foundation

Modern physics experiments
University physics experiments
Network application and virtual instrument design