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SU Guozhen


Physics Building,Room 546



Research AreasThermodynamics and Statistical Physics

Education&Work Experience
2000/09-2004/07,doctor, College of Physics and Electromechanical Engineering, Xiamen University.
1985/09-1988/07,master, Physics Department, Xiamen University.
1981/09-1985/07,Undergraduate, Physics Department, Xiamen University.
Work Experience:
2004/01-Present,Professor, College of Physics Science and Technology, Xiamen University.
1999/03-2003/12,Assistant Professor, College of Physics and Electromechanical Engineering, Xiamen University.
1988/09-1999/03,lecturer,  Department of Basic Science, Jimei University.
1. Su GZ; Pan YZ; Zhang YC; Shih TM; Chen JC. An electronic cooling device with multiple energy selective tunnels. ENERGY, 113: 723-727, 2016.
2. Su GZ; Liao TJ; Chen LW; Chen JC. Performance evaluation and optimum design of a new-type electronic cooling device. ENERGY, 101: 421-426, 2016.
3.Su GZ; Zhang YC; Cai L; Su SH; Chen JC. Conceptual design and simulation investigation of an electronic cooling device powered by hot electrons. ENERGY,90: 1842-1847,2015
1. Investigations on the Thermodynamic performance and optimal Theory of energy-selective electronic devices,National Natural Science Foundation,2017-2020,Participant,NO.1
Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
college physics
姓名 SU Guozhen 职称职务 Professor
邮箱 办公室 Physics Building,Room 546
电话 0592-2189426 个人主页
其他信息 研究方向岗位职责 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
教育和工作经历 2000/09-2004/07,doctor, College of Physics and Electromechanical Engineering, Xiamen University.
1985/09-1988/07,master, Physics Department, Xiamen University.
1981/09-1985/07,Undergraduate, Physics Department, Xiamen University.
Work Experience:
2004/01-Present,Professor, College of Physics Science and Technology, Xiamen University.
1999/03-2003/12,Assistant Professor, College of Physics and Electromechanical Engineering, Xiamen University.
1988/09-1999/03,lecturer,  Department of Basic Science, Jimei University.
代表性文章或专著 1. Su GZ; Pan YZ; Zhang YC; Shih TM; Chen JC. An electronic cooling device with multiple energy selective tunnels. ENERGY, 113: 723-727, 2016.
2. Su GZ; Liao TJ; Chen LW; Chen JC. Performance evaluation and optimum design of a new-type electronic cooling device. ENERGY, 101: 421-426, 2016.
3.Su GZ; Zhang YC; Cai L; Su SH; Chen JC. Conceptual design and simulation investigation of an electronic cooling device powered by hot electrons. ENERGY,90: 1842-1847,2015
科研基金及项目 1. Investigations on the Thermodynamic performance and optimal Theory of energy-selective electronic devices,National Natural Science Foundation,2017-2020,Participant,NO.1 任教课程 mechanics
Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
college physics
招生方向 荣誉奖励