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SUN Zhijun


Room 412, Physics Building


Research AreasMicro/nano-Photonics; Functional photonic devices and systems

Education&Work Experience
Year 2008~Present,   Professor, Department of Physics, Xiamen University
Year 2005~2008, Associate professor, Department of Physics, Xiamen University
Year 2000~2005, Ph.D., Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Year 1997~2000, M.E., Institute of Microelectronics, Lanzhou University
Year 1993~1997, B.S., Department of Physics, Lanzhou University
1、Wen Luo, Feng Xu, Aihua Li and Zhijun Sun*, “Resonant control and enhancement of upconversion luminescence of NaYF4:Yb,Er nanoparticles on metal gratings,” Advanced Optical Materials, Vol. 10, Iss. 10, 2102668 (2022).
2、Aibibula Abudula and Zhijun Sun*, “Asymmetric optical transmission of a metallic grating-incorporated Fabry-Pérot cavity,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 55, No. 19, 195101 (2022).
3、Congcong Liu and Zhijun Sun*, “Designing and fabrication of a metallic irregular F-P filter array for a miniature spectrometer,” Appllied Optics, Vol. 60, No. 16, 4948-4953 (2021).
4、Wentao Gao, Aibibula Abudula, and Zhijun Sun*, “Multiplet independent resonance modes in multiplexed gratings,” Optics Express, Vol. 27, No. 20, 28254-28263 (Sept., 2019).
5、Ye Hao, Aihua Li, Jun Yang, Wentao Gao, and Zhijun Sun*, “Quantum control and enhancement of multi-color emissions in upconversion nanoparticles,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 110, No. 22, 221110-1-5 (2017).
6、Ai-Hua Li, Mengyun Lü, Ling Guo, and Zhijun Sun*, “Enhanced upconversion luminescence of metal-capped NaGd0.3Yb0.7F4:Er submicron particles,” Small, Vol. 12, Iss. 15, 2092-2098 (2016).
7、Ling Guo and Zhijun Sun*, “Cooperative optical trapping in asymmetric plasmon nanocavity arrays,” Optics Express, Vol. 23, No. 24, 31324-31333 (2015).
8、Zhijun Sun*, Xiaoliu Zuo, Tengpeng Guan, and Wei Chen, “Artificial TE-mode surface waves at metal surfaces mimicking surface plasmons,” Optics Express, Vol. 22, No. 4, 4714-4722 (2014).
9、Xiaoliu Zuo and Zhijun Sun*, “Hybrid surface plasmon modes in metal-clad Si/SiO2 waveguide for compact integration,” Frontiers of Optoelectronics, Vol. 6, No. 3, 261-269 (2013).
10、Zhijun Sun*, Ying Yang, and Xiaoliu Zuo, “Narrow-band optical transmission of metallic nanoslit arrays,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 101, Iss. 17, 171106-1-4 (2012).
11、Zhijun Sun*, Xiaoliu Zuo, and Ying Yang, “Role of surface metal nanoparticles on the absorption in solar cells,” Optics Letters, Vol. 37, No. 4, 641-643 (2012).
12、Xiaoliu Zuo and Zhijun Sun*, “Low-loss plasmonic hybrid optical ridge waveguide on silicon-on-insulator substrate,” Optics Letters, Vol. 36, No. 15, 2946-2948 (2011).
13、Zhijun Sun*, Xiaoliu Zuo and Qi Lin, “Plasmon-induced nearly null transmission of light through gratings in very thin metal films,” Plasmonics, Vol. 5, Iss. 1, 13-17 (2010).
14、Zhijun Sun and Hong Koo Kim, “Refractive transmission of light and beam shaping with metallic nano-optic lenses,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 85, No. 4, 642-644 (2004).
15、Zhijun Sun, Yun Suk Jung and Hong Koo Kim, “Role of surface plasmons in the optical interaction in metallic gratings with narrow slits,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 83, No. 15, 3021-3023 (2003).
1、Study of key technologies for an integrated optical spectrometer module (Science and Technology project of Fujian Province, 2020-2023, PI)
2、Control and enhancement of rare-earth ions in micro-structures (Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, 2018-2021, PI)
3、Study on the mode and coupling properties of a low-loss hybrid plasmonic optical waveguide and its integration issues (National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2013-2016, PI)
4、Study on optical effects in metallic micro/nano-structures and related plasmonic devices (Grant for New Centuray Excellent Talents in Universities of China, 2011-2014, PI)
5、Development of anti-radiation, anti-UV, high-conductivity transparent metal/dielectric composite films (Science and Technology Key Project of Fujian Province, 2007-2009, PI)
Introduction to Optoelectronics (Undergraduate)
Advanced Optics (Graduate)
Surface Plasmon Photonics (Graduate)
姓名 SUN Zhijun 职称职务 Professor
邮箱 办公室 Room 412, Physics Building
电话 个人主页
其他信息 研究方向岗位职责 Micro/nano-Photonics; Functional photonic devices and systems
教育和工作经历 Year 2008~Present,   Professor, Department of Physics, Xiamen University
Year 2005~2008, Associate professor, Department of Physics, Xiamen University
Year 2000~2005, Ph.D., Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Year 1997~2000, M.E., Institute of Microelectronics, Lanzhou University
Year 1993~1997, B.S., Department of Physics, Lanzhou University
代表性文章或专著 1、Wen Luo, Feng Xu, Aihua Li and Zhijun Sun*, “Resonant control and enhancement of upconversion luminescence of NaYF4:Yb,Er nanoparticles on metal gratings,” Advanced Optical Materials, Vol. 10, Iss. 10, 2102668 (2022).
2、Aibibula Abudula and Zhijun Sun*, “Asymmetric optical transmission of a metallic grating-incorporated Fabry-Pérot cavity,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 55, No. 19, 195101 (2022).
3、Congcong Liu and Zhijun Sun*, “Designing and fabrication of a metallic irregular F-P filter array for a miniature spectrometer,” Appllied Optics, Vol. 60, No. 16, 4948-4953 (2021).
4、Wentao Gao, Aibibula Abudula, and Zhijun Sun*, “Multiplet independent resonance modes in multiplexed gratings,” Optics Express, Vol. 27, No. 20, 28254-28263 (Sept., 2019).
5、Ye Hao, Aihua Li, Jun Yang, Wentao Gao, and Zhijun Sun*, “Quantum control and enhancement of multi-color emissions in upconversion nanoparticles,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 110, No. 22, 221110-1-5 (2017).
6、Ai-Hua Li, Mengyun Lü, Ling Guo, and Zhijun Sun*, “Enhanced upconversion luminescence of metal-capped NaGd0.3Yb0.7F4:Er submicron particles,” Small, Vol. 12, Iss. 15, 2092-2098 (2016).
7、Ling Guo and Zhijun Sun*, “Cooperative optical trapping in asymmetric plasmon nanocavity arrays,” Optics Express, Vol. 23, No. 24, 31324-31333 (2015).
8、Zhijun Sun*, Xiaoliu Zuo, Tengpeng Guan, and Wei Chen, “Artificial TE-mode surface waves at metal surfaces mimicking surface plasmons,” Optics Express, Vol. 22, No. 4, 4714-4722 (2014).
9、Xiaoliu Zuo and Zhijun Sun*, “Hybrid surface plasmon modes in metal-clad Si/SiO2 waveguide for compact integration,” Frontiers of Optoelectronics, Vol. 6, No. 3, 261-269 (2013).
10、Zhijun Sun*, Ying Yang, and Xiaoliu Zuo, “Narrow-band optical transmission of metallic nanoslit arrays,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 101, Iss. 17, 171106-1-4 (2012).
11、Zhijun Sun*, Xiaoliu Zuo, and Ying Yang, “Role of surface metal nanoparticles on the absorption in solar cells,” Optics Letters, Vol. 37, No. 4, 641-643 (2012).
12、Xiaoliu Zuo and Zhijun Sun*, “Low-loss plasmonic hybrid optical ridge waveguide on silicon-on-insulator substrate,” Optics Letters, Vol. 36, No. 15, 2946-2948 (2011).
13、Zhijun Sun*, Xiaoliu Zuo and Qi Lin, “Plasmon-induced nearly null transmission of light through gratings in very thin metal films,” Plasmonics, Vol. 5, Iss. 1, 13-17 (2010).
14、Zhijun Sun and Hong Koo Kim, “Refractive transmission of light and beam shaping with metallic nano-optic lenses,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 85, No. 4, 642-644 (2004).
15、Zhijun Sun, Yun Suk Jung and Hong Koo Kim, “Role of surface plasmons in the optical interaction in metallic gratings with narrow slits,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 83, No. 15, 3021-3023 (2003).
科研基金及项目 1、Study of key technologies for an integrated optical spectrometer module (Science and Technology project of Fujian Province, 2020-2023, PI)
2、Control and enhancement of rare-earth ions in micro-structures (Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, 2018-2021, PI)
3、Study on the mode and coupling properties of a low-loss hybrid plasmonic optical waveguide and its integration issues (National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2013-2016, PI)
4、Study on optical effects in metallic micro/nano-structures and related plasmonic devices (Grant for New Centuray Excellent Talents in Universities of China, 2011-2014, PI)
5、Development of anti-radiation, anti-UV, high-conductivity transparent metal/dielectric composite films (Science and Technology Key Project of Fujian Province, 2007-2009, PI)
任教课程 Introduction to Optoelectronics (Undergraduate)
Advanced Optics (Graduate)
Surface Plasmon Photonics (Graduate)
招生方向 荣誉奖励