教育和工作经历 |
2008. 12 – present Dept. of Physics, Xiamen University, China Professor of Physics 2007. 11 – 2008. 10 Dept. of Chemical Engineering and Materials science, Univ. of Minnesota, Postdoc Fellow 2007. 05 – 2007. 11 Oak Ridge National Lab., USA Postdoc Fellow 2000. 08 – 2007. 05 Dept. of Physics, Penn State University, USA Ph. D. of physics 1994. 09 – 1997. 06 Dept. of Physics, Peking University, China M.S. of physics 1992. 09 – 1994. 06 Chengdu Institute of Science and Technology, China B.S. |
代表性文章或专著 |
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