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Room 320


Research AreasGraphene and other 2D materials for electronics, optoelectronics and thermal behavior

Education&Work Experience
2019/01-present Professor
College of Physical Science and Technology, Xiamen University
2010/12-2018/12 Associate Professor
College of Science, National University of Defense Technology
2016/11-2017/10 Visiting Scientist
National Graphene Institute, University of Manchester
2015/08-2015/09 Visiting Scientist
Department of Physics, National University of Singapore
2011/12-2016/06 Postdoctoral
Postdoctoral Program of Physics, National University of Defense Technology
2007/12-2010/12 Assistant Professor
College of Science, National University of Defense Technology
2004/03-2007/12 Ph.D., Materials Science and Technology
College of Aerospace and Materials Engineering, National University of Defense Technology
1. Yayun Yu, Guang Wang, Yuan Tan, Nannan Wu, Xue-Ao Zhang*, Shiqiao Qin. Phase-Controlled Growth of 1D Mo6Te6 Nanowires and 2D MoTe2 Ultrathin Films Heterostructures. Nano Lett, 2018, 18, 675-681
2. Wei Luo, Mengjian Zhu, Gang Peng, Xiaoming Zheng, Feng Miao, Shuxin Bai, Xue-Ao Zhang*, and Shiqiao Qin. Carrier modulation of ambipolar few-layer MoTe2 transistors by MgO surface charge transfer doping. Adv Funct Mater, 2018, 28: 1704539
3. Yuan Tan, Fang Luo, Mengjian Zhu, Xiaolong Xu, Yu Ye, Bing Li, Guang Wang, Wei Luo, Xiaoming Zheng, Nannan Wu, Yayun Yu, Shiqiao Qin and Xue-Ao Zhang*, Controllable 2H-to-1T’ phase transition in few-layer MoTe2. Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 19964–19971
4. Kaixi Bi, Quan Xiang, Yiqin Chen, Huimin Shi, Zhiqin Li, Jun Lin, Yongzhe Zhang, Qiang Wan, Guanhua Zhang, Shiqiao Qin, Xueao Zhang*, Huigao Duan. Direct patterning of highly-conductive graohene@copper composites using copper naphthenate as a resist for graphene devices application. Nanoscle, 2017, 9, 16755-16763
5. Jia Dan Lin, Cheng Han, Fei Wang, Rui Wang, Du Xiang, Shiqiao Qin, Xue-Ao Zhang*, Li Wang, Hua Zhang, Andrew Thye Shen Wee, Wei Chen*. Electron-Doping-Enhanced Trion Formation in Monolayer Molybdenum Disulfide Functionalized with Cesium Carbonate. ACS Nano, 2014, 8, 5323
1. National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11874423):  
Phase-controlled Growth of Two-dimensional Molybdenum Ditelluride and its Contact with Metal Electrodes  
2. Key Basic Research Projects in Basic Strengthening Program  
Research on Key Technologies of Graphene Devices  
3. Science and Technology Innovation Special Zone Project  
Study on Growth of Two-Dimensional Thin Film Materials
Fundamentals of Physics
Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics
姓名 ZHANG Xueao 职称职务 Professor
邮箱 办公室 Room 320
电话 个人主页
其他信息 研究方向岗位职责 Graphene and other 2D materials for electronics, optoelectronics and thermal behavior
教育和工作经历 2019/01-present Professor
College of Physical Science and Technology, Xiamen University
2010/12-2018/12 Associate Professor
College of Science, National University of Defense Technology
2016/11-2017/10 Visiting Scientist
National Graphene Institute, University of Manchester
2015/08-2015/09 Visiting Scientist
Department of Physics, National University of Singapore
2011/12-2016/06 Postdoctoral
Postdoctoral Program of Physics, National University of Defense Technology
2007/12-2010/12 Assistant Professor
College of Science, National University of Defense Technology
2004/03-2007/12 Ph.D., Materials Science and Technology
College of Aerospace and Materials Engineering, National University of Defense Technology
代表性文章或专著 1. Yayun Yu, Guang Wang, Yuan Tan, Nannan Wu, Xue-Ao Zhang*, Shiqiao Qin. Phase-Controlled Growth of 1D Mo6Te6 Nanowires and 2D MoTe2 Ultrathin Films Heterostructures. Nano Lett, 2018, 18, 675-681
2. Wei Luo, Mengjian Zhu, Gang Peng, Xiaoming Zheng, Feng Miao, Shuxin Bai, Xue-Ao Zhang*, and Shiqiao Qin. Carrier modulation of ambipolar few-layer MoTe2 transistors by MgO surface charge transfer doping. Adv Funct Mater, 2018, 28: 1704539
3. Yuan Tan, Fang Luo, Mengjian Zhu, Xiaolong Xu, Yu Ye, Bing Li, Guang Wang, Wei Luo, Xiaoming Zheng, Nannan Wu, Yayun Yu, Shiqiao Qin and Xue-Ao Zhang*, Controllable 2H-to-1T’ phase transition in few-layer MoTe2. Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 19964–19971
4. Kaixi Bi, Quan Xiang, Yiqin Chen, Huimin Shi, Zhiqin Li, Jun Lin, Yongzhe Zhang, Qiang Wan, Guanhua Zhang, Shiqiao Qin, Xueao Zhang*, Huigao Duan. Direct patterning of highly-conductive graohene@copper composites using copper naphthenate as a resist for graphene devices application. Nanoscle, 2017, 9, 16755-16763
5. Jia Dan Lin, Cheng Han, Fei Wang, Rui Wang, Du Xiang, Shiqiao Qin, Xue-Ao Zhang*, Li Wang, Hua Zhang, Andrew Thye Shen Wee, Wei Chen*. Electron-Doping-Enhanced Trion Formation in Monolayer Molybdenum Disulfide Functionalized with Cesium Carbonate. ACS Nano, 2014, 8, 5323
科研基金及项目 1. National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11874423):  
Phase-controlled Growth of Two-dimensional Molybdenum Ditelluride and its Contact with Metal Electrodes  
2. Key Basic Research Projects in Basic Strengthening Program  
Research on Key Technologies of Graphene Devices  
3. Science and Technology Innovation Special Zone Project  
Study on Growth of Two-Dimensional Thin Film Materials
任教课程 Fundamentals of Physics
Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics
招生方向 荣誉奖励