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ZHU Zizhong


Physics Building,Room 549



Research AreasComputational Condensed Matter Physics

Education&Work Experience
1)1999.12 –present:Professor, Department of Physics, Xiamen University;
【2007.3 - 2007.9: Visiting scholar, National Taiwan University】
2)1994.3 – 1999.12 : Associate Professor, Xiamen University;
【1997.10--1998.5: Visiting scholar, Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Tech.】
3)1991.7 -- 1994.1:  Post-doc, Ames Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy,
and Iowa State University, USA;
4) 1990.5 -- 1991.7:  Post-doc, Rutgers Univ.-State Univ. of New Jersey, USA;
5) 1986.9 -- 1990.1:  Fudan University, Ph. D degree received.
【1988.4 -- 1989.4: Research student, Physics Department, University of Tokyo, Japan.】
6) 1979.9 – 1986.7: Student, Department of Physics, Xiamen University.
Solid State Electrochemistry    (Chapter 5, 11),
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics in 1 hour
1)National Key R&D Program of China: “Theoretical prediction and design of advanced electrode nanomaterials.”  
2)National Key R&D Program of China: “Basic scientific research on the high safety, long life and low price Na-based batteries.”
“Solid State Physics”, “Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics”
姓名 ZHU Zizhong 职称职务 Professor
邮箱 办公室 Physics Building,Room 549
电话 13328328301 个人主页
其他信息 研究方向岗位职责 Computational Condensed Matter Physics
教育和工作经历 1)1999.12 –present:Professor, Department of Physics, Xiamen University;
【2007.3 - 2007.9: Visiting scholar, National Taiwan University】
2)1994.3 – 1999.12 : Associate Professor, Xiamen University;
【1997.10--1998.5: Visiting scholar, Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Tech.】
3)1991.7 -- 1994.1:  Post-doc, Ames Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy,
and Iowa State University, USA;
4) 1990.5 -- 1991.7:  Post-doc, Rutgers Univ.-State Univ. of New Jersey, USA;
5) 1986.9 -- 1990.1:  Fudan University, Ph. D degree received.
【1988.4 -- 1989.4: Research student, Physics Department, University of Tokyo, Japan.】
6) 1979.9 – 1986.7: Student, Department of Physics, Xiamen University.
代表性文章或专著 Solid State Electrochemistry    (Chapter 5, 11),
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics in 1 hour
科研基金及项目 1)National Key R&D Program of China: “Theoretical prediction and design of advanced electrode nanomaterials.”  
2)National Key R&D Program of China: “Basic scientific research on the high safety, long life and low price Na-based batteries.”
任教课程 “Solid State Physics”, “Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics”
招生方向 荣誉奖励